Star Wars Dress
Etsy seller rustycuts is selling this (and more, so be sure to click through) awesome dress with vintage Star Wars sheets and pillowcases. Super cute *and* geeky!
Etsy seller rustycuts is selling this (and more, so be sure to click through) awesome dress with vintage Star Wars sheets and pillowcases. Super cute *and* geeky!
If asked to describe the characters from the popular Gears of War video game series, “cute” would not be the first adjective that pops into my mind. Macho? Yes. Beefy? Yes. Adorable? No.
Well, Etsy store Wonderland Contraband is changing that image just a little bit with their tough-yet-sweet version of Private Anthony Carmine.
The charm stands less than four centimeters tall, but is chock-full of carefully rendered details. I can’t get over how the artist, Shiela, made a weapon like the lancer actually look cute, even when spattered in blood!
I’d love to see the rest of Delta Squad in chibi-charm form. It’d make a great bracelet to wear to a Gears of War 3 release party later this year.
Everything from Mochimochiland is adorable including this newly released cross-stitch pattern: When Tessellations Roamed the Earth. Buy it now as a PDF!
This Mario themed cross stitch was featured over at Mr. X Stitch as a “stitchgasm” and I can see why. I’m going to have to make one for myself. Deviant-experiment01 posted this, saying it was “My first real “project” when it came to cross stitching”. This is such a great idea!
Whoah! It’s a timey-wimey detector necklace!!! (it goes ding when there’s stuff) Really like the font, layout, and the extra ‘ding’ pendant is perfect! I love this almost as much as I love David Tennant…
imaginationemporium on Etsy has this and other super sweet doctor pendants (allons-y!) Yet another MUST HAVE for my collection :)
I just saw this NPR story about the White House pastry chef, Bill Yosses, using molecular science principles in his cooking to pretty amazing effect!
From the article:
It turns out the chef who whips up pies for the president is also a bit of a scientist — calling on knowledge of how to help bubbles hold their shape and how crystals affect chocolate and salt, in the quest for healthier goodies.
You wouldn’t think taste tests would be on the menu, er, agenda when the American Association for the Advancement of Science assembles some of the world’s leading molecular biologists and geneticists and astronomers for a once-a-year look at exciting discoveries.
But White House pastry chef Bill Yosses exchanged his white apron for a bow tie Saturday to talk with scientists about how chefs are changing perceptions of taste.