January 30

Death Star Watermelon & The Ultimate Star Wars Party

"Death Star Watermelon & The Ultimate Star Wars Party"My friend Jenn of justJENN Designs is one of the biggest Star Wars geeks I know and is quite crafty with food items. She threw The Ultimate Star Wars Party this past fall and it was mind blowing. The extensive menu included creations such as the Death Star Watermelon, Princess Leia Cupcakes, Han Solo in Carbonite Jell-o and much more. Jenn provided the recipes or how-to instructions for all of the items so you can craft your own Star Wars party.

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January 29

Glass Jar Terrarium

Glass Jar TerrariumWinter blues are starting to set in, and the snow just keeps on coming!!  My solution for seasonal depression is to craft and just pretend it’s already spring.  I need some green in my life, so since I’ve been obsessed with terrariums for awhile, and have an overload of mason jars from the holidays and canning…. I present to you, Jenny Ryan’s tutorial to make your own tiny terrarium in a jar!

If you make one of these, please let me know.  I’ll be posting mine as soon as I finish collecting supplies!  And better yet, have more ideas for my overflow of various sized mason jars?  Send me ideas for those too :)

Glass Jar Terrarium

[via Craft:]

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