Search Results for: big bang theory

January 17

Crocheted Sheldon

The Big Bang Theory is one of my absolute favorite shows, so I was incredibly excited to see this Crocheted Sheldon Cooper on the Craftster frontpage yesterday. Anne11 made him as a Christmas gift for a friend. He now hangs out at her friend’s office (I wonder if he plays computer games when people aren’t looking?). Anne11 combined two patterns to make the perfect Sheldon. I love the tee-shirt she picked for him. I want my own Sheldon!

Her timing for posting this couldn’t be better, since Jim Parsons (who plays Sheldon) won a Golden Globe last night for Best Actor in a Comedy Series.

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December 29

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch

If you’re like me, anything that glorifies geekdom is awesome, and if it glorifies geekdom in a hilarious way that may or may not feature a Battlestar Galactica toaster, then…it’s even more awesome! DoAFlip posted this great Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch featuring the game of internet fame and a quote from the Big Bang Theory episode that brought it to the world. Haven’t seen it? Well the rules are simple:

  1. Scissor cuts paper
  2. Paper covers rock
  3. Rock smashes lizard
  4. Lizard poisons Spock.
  5. Spock smashes scissors
  6. Scissors decapitates lizard
  7. Lizard eats paper
  8. Paper disproves Spock
  9. Spock vaporizes rock
  10. Rock smashes scissors.

Easy enough, right? And this great cross-stitch is perfect for reminding us that there is always an amicable way (that includes Spock) to settle an argument.

Category: Craft, Games, Geek, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch
December 3

Sci-Fine Art, Humor and Time Machines with Rik Livingston

There aren’t a lot of nice things about living in the desert, at least not until Fall/Winter time, but one nice thing about living here is the amazing Crossroads Cafe and Tavern, where I was having breakfast when the painting to the left caught my eye. I took in the various pieces by the artist I would later discover was the one Rik Verlin Livingston, and I knew I had to track him down and introduce my Geek Crafters to his “Sci-Fine Art“.

We communicated in e-mails a few times before I met Rik at an artist reception held at the Joshua Tree Chamber of Commerce, which featured more of his work, to include some really great comic books. He was friendly, funny, and seemed to handle the attention (and the controversy surrounding one of his pieces) very well. I was really excited to be able to ask a few questions about his craft, his feelings on censorship, and of course, time travel.

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