January 3

Robots in 2011

Hi all! My name is Jamie, and I’m excited to be joining the Geek Craft crew in the new year.

For my inaugural post, I thought I’d share some pics of a new planner I made for myself a few weeks ago.

My craft weapon of choice is often paper, whether that’s through  journaling, stationery, or zines, so I sometimes I can be a little picky when it’s time to commit to a planner for a whole year. This year (or I should really say last year), I wasn’t finding anything I loved, so I decided to make my own.

I drew the days of the week and surrounded them with some cut-and-paste action from a crappy old kids’ joke book I found. I like the old-skool zine feel of it.

For the cover, I splurged on some fancy-pants robot fabric at my local shop. I’m really pleased with/surprised at how straight I was able to keep everything!

I learned how to do this online a few years ago, and unfortunately I can’t find the exact same website, but mothteeth.com has a similar tutorial. It’s not too difficult, it just takes a lil patience, and acceptance of the inevitable imperfections.

January 3

Om Nom Nom Print

Who hasn’t muttered Om Nom Nom in this day in age? I, for one, say it on a daily basis.

Be the envy of all your friends with this bad boy up on your kitchen wall.

You can point and laugh at it while you make and eat the fabulous geek food of champions, bacon!

Buy this print.
Visit collageOrame on Etsy

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January 2

Hide Your Toilet Paper Under Totoro

Hide your toilet paper under Totoro

I’ve always been a bit creeped out by the idea of toilet paper covers, creepy dolls staring at you while you do your business.  However, after seeing this adorable Totoro TP cover I’m tempted to knit one myself.  Who doesn’t want a cuddly Totoro hanging out in their house protecting their toilet paper?  Blogger Acornbud shares the instructions for her Totoro toilet paper cover on her blog, Acornbud’s Yarns.  You can check out dozens of other Totoro related products and crafts on her blog as well!

January 2

Supernatural Demon Hunter Keychain

Any fan of the TV show Supernatural knows the significance of salt. It’s used as protection from evil and can prevent demons from entering rooms. Salt is also used in various ways to get rid of ghosts.

The Ultimate Demon Hunter Keychain that AngelQ sells in her Etsy shop not only features a vial of salt, but also a couple of weapons that the Winchesters often use when hunting demons. AngelQ also makes a necklace featuring salt, as well as a few more Supernatural themed items. It might not be a bad idea to start off the new year with a little something to ward off evil and negativity, even if only symbolically.

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January 1

Kirby Embroidery

Kirby EmbroideryCraftster user Troublet says,

First, I have to admit that I am so not into games nor do I really like cutesy/kawaii, but Santa decided to give me a gift that took me into both of those realms. He gave me Kirby’s Epic Yarn for Christmas.

I played through about 2 levels when my Muse didn’t just come poke me into picking up my needle, she all but drove me nuts until I finished this piece.

Geek crafts may be new to her, but she totally did Kirby justice with this adorable embroidered piece. I especially love her use of sequins. I’m going to try that out in my own work soon.

You can check out Troublet‘s other crafts on her blog, The Trouble with Crafting.