December 21

Girl Geek Craft Crush, Lanikins

If you’ve been on craftster, then you’ve probably seen Lani Spear around.

Her recent She-ra  poppet , which she designed for a private swap with Padfoot, is an excellent illustration of how she embodies the soul of Geek Craftiness.

A little search through her previous projects shows the extent of her geeky inspiration, she also created the uncanny Coraline, Coraline is so film-realistic she could be on a shelf in a store and wouldn’t look out of place.

I have my fingers and toes crossed that next time I’m in a crafster swap, I wind up with Lani as my partner, she’s an awesome geek crafter!

Check out her projects on Craftster for goodies like; her gorgeous son dressed as Shaun from Shaun of the Dead, Gir amigurumi (with tutorial), super cute Rocky Horror Eddie poppet, and an ADORABLE Sweeny Todd Poppet.

Go, look, enjoy, Kudos Lanikins.

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December 21

Another Intro!

Hello everyone!  I’m Leitadala, one of your new geek craft writers.  I’ve finally finished making my Christmas crafts, and before the January ones come due I figured I’d introduce myself here.  I’m a varied crafter, but my strongest are fiber arts.  The crocheting comes by nature, the knitting by nurture.  What I mean by that is that my Step-Grandmothter taught me to knit when I was young, and when I was older I felt compelled to pick up the crochet hook.  I found I loved it, and then learned from my maternal Grandmother that her Grandmother used to crochet all the time!  I’ve since passed down both crafts to the next generation of girls in my family, hoping that they will keep this timeless tradition alive.

I come by the geek part honestly as well.  I love Star Wars, World of Warcraft (where I met my husband), Pokemon, Disney, Anime, Renissance Festivals, and (of course) Comic Cons.  I look forward to sharing with you lots of geek-crafty things in the future.

Until then, I better go wrap my Christmas African Flower dishcloths!

December 19


I’m Lauren Lynne, another new writer excited to be a part of Geek Crafts.  I’m a Knitter and all around geek.  I’ve knit more Harry Potter scarves than I care to mention, and recently started designing my own patterns.  I take inspiration from geeky books, movies, and life in general.  I’m a bibliophile with a preference for fantasy novels.  My current favorites are Jim Butcher and Patrick Rothfuss.  You can check out my thoughts on knitting and pop culture on my blog, The Knitting Bibliophile.