Amigurumi Pee Wee Herman and Chairry
The detail in Craftster user Alliecat30’s amigurumi never fails to amaze me. Pee Wee Herman and Chairry are awesome and you can even buy the pattern in her Etsy shop.
The detail in Craftster user Alliecat30’s amigurumi never fails to amaze me. Pee Wee Herman and Chairry are awesome and you can even buy the pattern in her Etsy shop.
I loved this recycled cardboard(!) Periodic Table of the Elements table, made by Abigailscrafts on craftster. She shares the full tutorial on her blog!
I am completely in love with this embroidered Tetris! Spied in the Geek Crafts Flickr pool by Girl Incognito.
MsPremiseConclusion crocheted this awesome Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Love it!
Craftster user Saint_Angel made this cute Einstein plushie. I love the mustache! Click through for Elvis and Jerry Garcia.
Space geek extraordinaire Rachel pointed me to these supernovae warning stickers that Matt Mechtley of made — awesome!
Matt says,
One of the most amazing discoveries of modern astrophysics is that almost all of the chemical elements we see around us were produced in supernovae — energetic explosions that typically mark the death throes of massive stars. Elements heavier than oxygen are disseminated mostly through supernovae, and elements heavier than iron come almost only from supernovae. This means that literally everything around you is full of atoms that were originally created in massive stars that exploded and sent those elements flying into interstellar space, where they eventually coalesced into dust and became you and the Earth you’re standing on.
…I thought a sticker campaign would be the perfect cheeky way to engage in some informal education!