December 30

The Stand Book Safe

I’m in a weird place with this one. Part of me is like “Awesome! That would totally blend into my bookcase”, the other part of me is saying “Oh my God, what did she do to that book?!” VeganPrincess decided to make Stephen King‘s extra-long Armageddon epic into a book safe after realizing she probably wasn’t going to get to it (although she should have, as it’s arguably his best).

December 29

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch

If you’re like me, anything that glorifies geekdom is awesome, and if it glorifies geekdom in a hilarious way that may or may not feature a Battlestar Galactica toaster, then…it’s even more awesome! DoAFlip posted this great Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Cross-Stitch featuring the game of internet fame and a quote from the Big Bang Theory episode that brought it to the world. Haven’t seen it? Well the rules are simple:

  1. Scissor cuts paper
  2. Paper covers rock
  3. Rock smashes lizard
  4. Lizard poisons Spock.
  5. Spock smashes scissors
  6. Scissors decapitates lizard
  7. Lizard eats paper
  8. Paper disproves Spock
  9. Spock vaporizes rock
  10. Rock smashes scissors.

Easy enough, right? And this great cross-stitch is perfect for reminding us that there is always an amicable way (that includes Spock) to settle an argument.

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