August 20

Torchwood Babiez


I was happily googling along, attempting to find Doctor Who themed clothes and/or toys for our impending baby (I like that, it sounds dramatic), when I ran across this awesome Torchwood fan comic Torchwood Babiez. Spastamagoria and Jigglycat have apparently worked very hard to represent our favorite Torchwood characters as cute little kids that you just kind of want to hug. And have no fear, the pet pterodactyl from the hub is even represented, as a cute little stuffed animal that Gwenn carried around, Tosh has her own mini Apple computer, and when we run into The Doctor, Rose is carrying a Dalek toy. I giggled through several pages, and it is safe to say I am now hooked on this particular livejournal blog.

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Torchwood Babiez
August 4

Baby Viking Hat


Pregnancy comes with all kinds of inconvienences. You feel sick for the first three months and spend the majority of the time looking for a bathroom. It does have its advantages though, for instance, you can spend all of your free time looking a teeny cute clothes, toys and bedding and call it “planning” for your new baby. I was doing just that when I ran across babyrocksmohawks‘  Baby Viking Hat on etsy. Tell me this isn’t pure golden awesome. I was thrilled by her hot pink and “atomic blue” mohawk hats, but I think this Baby Viking Hat really takes the cake.

January 19

Zombie Baby Ball

Zombie Baby Ball

Craftster user ChrisSews wanted to make something that a guy would enjoy opening at a couples baby shower. Since the guy in question is into zombies, she came up with a Zombie Training ball. She says,

I embroidered the baby zombie, and the “Future Zombie Hunter” on black satin and white flannel.  I found this great black and red skull fabric and also used some red velvet, red grid fleece, white striped terry to make lots of different textures for the baby.  I also added some ribbon taggies.  I finished it off with black felt end caps embroidered with the biohazard symbol.

This baby will be prepared for the inevitable zombie invasion right from the start!

Category: Craft, Geek, Myths & Urban Legends, Toys | Comments Off on Zombie Baby Ball
May 5

Nerdy Baby ABC Flash Cards

Nerdy Baby ABC Flash Cards

Etsy seller electricboogaloo (anyone get the reference?) offers these beautifully illustrated yet completely geeky Nerdy Baby ABC Flash Cards.

Here’s what electricboogaloo has to say:

“Ah, nerds having nerds. So tragic. Here is an awesomely pretentious gift for nerdy parents with nerd babies. A is for Atom, B is for Binary Code, C is for Cellular Membrane… and it’s all downhill from there. Shock and horrify your friends whose babies only know lame stuff like animal names!”

The cards are 5″ x 7″ and you get a full set of twenty-six for $18.00 plus shipping.

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