You more observant readers will know that I’m growin’ a geek! I’ve also discovered pinterest… these two events are unrelated… but it does mean that I’ve got a growing geek baby pintrest board which I’d love to share with you :-)
So without further adieu, I give you, a roudup of the top 10 most awesome things I’ve pinned to my Geek Baby Pinterest board (so far)
At 10! Etsy Shop thebuttercupboutique are selling this robot taggie blanket for $18.00

#9!! (first in my trio of onesies) hehe, Storm Pooper Onesie from WolfBuddy ($10)

#8 Geek logic onesie Transfer – $5 – designvine

in at #7 … how about this Mario Onesie from SugarBabyLove – $17.00

#6 -Star wars Daddy Diaper bag from thatmoxiegirl $30

#5 – crochet space invaders blanket (awww!!!) from geekerybyemily £30 (GBP)

#4 (last onesies I promise) – perfect for twins or close siblings, copypaste onesies from klzart ($32.00)

#3 – can’t buy this one – I’m sure we’ve featured it before and I NEEEEEED it for my geekling – Cardboard scale model replica from Mateo and Me

#2 – Moustache booties! £32.00 from pleasantlyplumpknits


SUPER awesome Yoda hat from thegreenhedgehog – $17.95
WHOOP WHOOP!!! 6 weeks til my geek arrives!! if you see anything else I’d like let me know in the comments, via my pinterest board, or if it’s something you’ve made, hit us up on the Submit a geekcraft form :-)