July 4

A Little Bit of Summertime Cosplay

I love the amount of work and care that goes into a good cosplayer’s costume, even more so when it’s genderbending the original character. There’s a lot of stuff to be taken into consideration when you’re turning Tonto, for example, into a female.


“Baker Jenny Rae of Lil Rae Cupcakes is a huge Johnny Depp fan who has an impressive collection of handmade aprons that she wears at her shop. When she saw Depp as Tonto in the upcoming The Lone Ranger film, she decided to make an apron in his honor, but went a step further and even made a headpiece and donned his makeup.” BTW, Jenny Rae mentioned on her FB page, linked above, that she’s going to see “The Lone Ranger” on the Disney lot in Burbank. Pretty cool!
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May 26

The Greatest Little Cosplayer Ever!


This little girl, whose name appears to not have been published anywhere yet, when to the Motor City Comic Con on Detroit last month as the one, the only, STAN LEE. This girl isn’t the only Stan Lee lookalike out there, as there’s also “Fake Stan Lee” (you should check out his You Tube channel; he’s actually pretty funny).

Later on, she even got in the line to get a photo with the real Stan himself!


Apparently, according to some Facebook reports, this little girl was very popular at the con for her costume. Timothy Ross Troshank said, “I was dressed as Finn and i walked by her and she screamed ADVENTURE TIME! i wish i got a picture with her.”

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May 4

Bride Wears Dress Made From 10,000 Bread Tags

How about this project for the ultimate in recycling? And the best part is, is that her wedding dress is truly OOAK!

One bride in Australia wasn’t going to just walk down the aisle in any old thing. Using 10,000 bread tags she collected from friends and family, Stephanie Watson spent months creating her one-of-a-kind dress from recycled tags and hand-me-down fabrics.

“‘I always liked the idea of a design challenge and thought a wedding dress would be the ultimate test! Besides, when Will (my husband) and I started seeing each other we started collecting bread tags. We decided that when we had enough tags to make a wedding dress we would get married. Ten years later I felt it was time to give it a go,’ Watson wrote in an email.”



“The dress only cost Watson $38, since she used fabric salvaged from other garments and tags donated from family and friends. This doesn’t include the countless hours she spent planning and stitching, which she documented on her blog, Constructing Nadine.

“‘One of the tags I found had the name ‘Nadine’ printed on it. I thought it might be nice to give the gown a bit of personality by naming her, that way people would not have to ask me ‘How is the dress going?’ but rather ‘How is Nadine?” wrote Watson. ‘I later realised that Nadine is a variety of potato and the tag was probably used to close a bag of spuds! It makes sense as there are lots of potato farms in our area.'”


April 21

Getting Girly With Geek Crafts

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BenaeQuee, a Craftster member and Etsy store owner, recently posted a cocktail dress she made. It’s a cocktail dress designed not only to match Captain America’s suit, but also some killer art on Deviant Art. BenaeQueen was inspired by Kelsey Michele’s art.


“My main goal for this dress was to be able to wear it as a dress, and not let it become something that looked like a costume only. I wanted it to look like fashion. I used a royal blue Duchess Satin and a Royal Blue poly chiffon. The chiffon was a bit more purple in hue than the satin, but once laid over the satin, it looked more blue. It’s actually nice to see a color shift of lighter blue under the darker chiffon as the dress moves.”

But you can’t be dressed to the nines and not have your makeup match!

“This eye makeup by DeviantArtist KikiMJ features incredible superhero designs. The colors are perfect matches for the costumes worn by the likes of Thor and Wonder Woman and the designs themselves are amazing.” KikiMJ has a great series of eye makeup designs on her Deviant Art site. She actually didn’t have one that would g0 along  for Captain America, but I think her Wonder Woman design would match just as well.

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Girly, Movies | Comments Off on Getting Girly With Geek Crafts
April 13

Fox Is Cracking Down On Anyone Making And Selling Homemade Firefly Jayne Hats

f108_jaynes_hatAccording to Geek Girl Diva over at Fashionably Geek, “Apparently, fans who have been making and selling their versions of the Jayne hat for roughly the last 10 years are being sent “cease and desist” notices from Fox. It seems Ripple Junction now has an official license to make the Jayne hat (shown at right, the one sold through ThinkGeek for $24.99) and that means independent Browncoats who might be making and selling them are now infringing on the license for a simple patterned hat.” BTW, as of 04/13/13, there were 60 handmade Jayne hats for sale.

The Browncoats of the world did not approve and ThinkGeek took action:

“Browncoats, we hear your concerns about the cease and desist on Etsy Jayne Hat sellers!

“We weren’t involved in that process, but we have reached out to FOX and we’ve heard what you’ve had to say. As a result, we’ve decided to donate the profits from all Jayne Hat sales on our site to Can’t Stop the Serenity, a Browncoat charity dear to ThinkGeek’s heart that raises funds and awareness in support of Equality Now. We’ll continue making that donation until we run out of stock.

“We hope the Hero of Canton himself would approve.”

janye-hatThis was Think Geek’s udpated on 04/11/13: “So, we got Fillioned. Nathan Fillion tweeted a link to our blog post about our Jayne Hat donation to Can’t Stop the Serenity (thank you, Nathan!) and our blog couldn’t handle the traffic, taking the whole site down with it (thank you, Nathan?).”