May 14


star-wars-apronReader Shira e-mailed us to let us know about her amazing, crafty, friend, Laura and her blog Pretty Nerdy Things, and in that e-mail was a link to this particular blog entry, the perfect, homemade Dark Side Apron.

In my humble opinion, there is nothing better than a long running, well known, very geeky joke turned into an apron. It references “cookies” and you can bake cookies while wearing it, how cool is that? Allow me to answer that: it is very cool (but you should probably still wear oven mitts when handling your cookie sheets, a cool apron will not protect your hands from the heat of the oven).

Laura‘s blog has all manner of geekiness on it, including a nerd’s guide to dating and romance, R2D2 Cookies, and movie reviews!

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May 6

Mass Effect Apron

Mass Effect Apron“I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite apron on Etsy.”

After a tough day of saving the galaxy, there’s nothing like a little space barbecue to unwind.

Keep your Alliance-issue armor sauce-free with this nifty Mass Effect-inspired N7 apron made by kristentexasranger.

Category: Craft, Geek, Sci-Fi, Video Games | Comments Off on Mass Effect Apron
May 4

Atari Freezer Paper Shirt

Atari-stenciled-shirtI have recently declared myself the Atari clothing and accessory expert on Geek Crafts, after having my essay on the above published in World Of Geekcraft by our own Susan Beal. That being true, I had to feature this Atari Freezer Paper Shirt made by Lucinda879 on Craftster. This was her first try, and it came out perfect, in my expert opinion.

If you don’t feel like making an Atari shirt, check out these pre-made Atari t-shirts

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April 3

Glee-Inspired Knitting

This great carousel horse chart was made by blogger, and Ravelry user, Alyssa Lynough.  This chart was inspired by the Glee episode Comeback, where Rachel pays Brittany to imitate her fashion, and instead spurs a trend of carousel sweaters.

“I mean, my carousel horse sweater should make me look like an institutionalized toddler but no – I look hot and smart. I feel like Michelle Obama,” says Santana.

This colorwork chart can be worked into almost  any simple sweater pattern, and is great for that special Gleek in your life.

March 30

Exploding TARDIS Shoes

Man I wish I could draw. Then I could try to make these for myself! cakewalkqueen made a pair of Exploding TARDIS sneakers using sharpies! She based them on a pair she saw on Etsy that feature Van Gogh’s drawing of the TARDIS exploding from the Doctor Who episode “The Pandorica Opens”. One shoe says “The pandorica will open” on the outside and the other says “Silence will fall”.

March 7

DNA Scarf

Craftster is such a great place to find nerdy crafts. Back in 2008 they had a Science IS Art swap that had amazing gallery–which included the greatest scarf of all time: the DNA Scarf. Superhooker made it for her partner (along with other great stuff) and it quickly became a popular topic. Last year I was the lucky recipient of one, and I love it! The pattern is here, so you can have your own!