May 29

Crocheted Turtle Cozies!

Crocheted Turtle Cozies - Shark

Forget boring ol’ teapot cozies, turtle cozies are where it’s at! Seriously, how cool would it be to have your very own (albeit slow) lawn shark? Katie Bradley of Etsy shop Mossy Tortoise is the genius behind these cosplaying cuties. She sells the crochet patterns for the turtle cozies so you can make your very own or, if you’re crochet-challenged like me, you can request a custom made one.

Duun-dun…duun-dun…duun-dun…dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun…doo-de-doo! (No, no, my cat didn’t walk across the keyboard, that’s obviously the theme from Jaws.)

And perhaps even more fun than Turtle Shark…Turtlesaurus!

Crocheted Turtle Cozies!

There are some thing to keep in mind when you cosplay with your wee turtle friends however. I personally don’t know much about keeping turtles are pets, but other people have pointed out that the cozies are definitely not meant to be a heat source or to be worn for long periods of time. And of course, keep an eye on the wee wooly beasts as well.

May 28

Easy DIY Wands

DIY Chop Stick Wands

This is a smart tutorial from Majann on DeviantArt, in that it’s a really simple, easy, yet super effective geek craft. Great for cosplay, Wizard Parties, or just to have a selection of wands on hand… just in case.

Majann’s photo tutorial shows how to make great looking wands using wooden cheap chop sticks, hot glue, random beads and acrylic paint – Pheonix tail feathers and such not needed! Just be careful not to burn yourself on the hot glue.

Category: Books, Craft, Geek, Movies, Tutorial | Comments Off on Easy DIY Wands
April 28

COSPLAY: Build Your Own Borg

Borg cosplay

Featured recently on was a guest poster, Eric Hall, who detailed the process he went through to create his elaborate Borg costume. He’s apparently won numerous costume contests with his, and thousands in prizes. You can easily see why – this costume is crazy detail-oriented.

I love that he “thought like a Borg” and used found items from thrift shops, surplus stores, and yard sales, and just keeps adding to it. For instance, the left arm includes a large tube from a leaf blower, and a toy robot claw — the claw even opens and closes. He also added a small push-button motor from a toy so he makes a motorized sound when he walks.

I can imagine the stares he draws at cons – I know I’d give him a clear berth!

What’s the most elaborate costume you’ve seen at a con?

August 15

Steampunk Lightsaber Awesomeness

Eventually I will stop posting about Jen Yates and her Lady Vadore costume, but I’m so intrigued! The pieces all look so cool—I can’t wait to see the final result. Anyway, in addition to the steampunk Darth Vader mask/helmet tutorial, she’s now posted a tutorial for a similarly steampunk lightsaber. Which, incidentally, doubles as a nifty nightlight. And, really, who doesn’t want a steampunk lightsaber nightlight?

Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi, Toys | Comments Off on Steampunk Lightsaber Awesomeness
August 8

A Preview of Lady Vadore

Once again, Epbot‘s Jen Yates is up to her customary crafty tricks. In anticipation of Star Wars Celebration, Jen (with an assist from husband John, as usual) has been steadily laboring on a steampunk female Darth Vader costume christened Lady Vadore. The first step involved hacking a Vader mask in spectacular ways. Note I didn’t post a pic of the final step—you’ll just have to read the tutorial and scroll down for the stunning reveal. Jen has since posted another sneak peek of the costume, which I can’t wait to see in its entirety. So thorough! Such attention to detail! Such crafty steampunk Star Wars goodness! Such excitement!

Category: Craft, Geek, Girly, Movies, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on A Preview of Lady Vadore