DancinFool82, of The Armored Garage, recently unveiled his Wolverine costume at Emerald City Comicon, in a series of photos over on Imgur. He designed it based on Batman’s suit in Arkham Knight Origins.
IN starting out with the chest, he traced out the parts in Photoshop. He loaded that image up in 3d studio max and traced out the shapes with geometry, and then loaded that geometry in a program he wrote himself, Armorsmith, to get the final adjustable templates that could be printed out on paper. To then get the clean bevel on the foam pieces, DancinFool82 used a technique called undercutting which involves cutting a channel on the underside of the foam and then filling that channel with hot glue and bending the foam. In order to get the nice rounded look, he used a Dremel to grind away the outer edge of the foam and get a nice soft curve. Then he hit the pieces with a heat gun and shaped them just a little bit to make them look more curved.
There are a ton of pictures in his Imgur album, and he explains each of them.