November 8

Tutorial Tuesday: Edward Scissorhands Costume!

Instructables are running a halloween competition, time’s almost up to submit entries, but you should completely go there and look at the awesome work that’s already been submitted.

I love Caraslifka’s children’s Edward Scissorhands costume and tutorial… but hats off to her son for really bringing the costume to life.


November 7

Baby in a TARDIS Suit!

If you go all wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey for babies prepare to jump to warp.

I just can’t get over this cute 6 month old girl and her dad all dressed up for halloween! I especially love this:

“The Tardis is not the most current one because we realised pretty quickly that my husband could better pull off David Tennant than Matt Smith, so we matched her to her appropriate Doctor.”

Yea, its a good job you did that sabrinalouisemiller … nobody’d be able to take a mismatched TARDIS seriously :-)

geek parenting – WINNING!


November 1

Tutorial Tuesday: Typhlosion Hat

Halloween may be over but there are some costume ideas that you might be tempted to wear all year round.

A full blown pokemon costume might be hard to pull off when you’re rocking down your local high street, but a Typhlosion Hat will make you the envy of every gym master from Pallett Town to Veridian City.

Hop over to ClearKid‘s deviantart for the tutorial!


October 31

Doctor Who Poodle Skirt

Happy Halloween! snow_whisper made this super cute skirt, and it’s a great costume, a combination of TARDIS-love and Doctor Who lore (I’m thinking of “The Idiot’s Lantern”). The rickrack is trimmed with embroidery of the words “Pull to Open”, “Police Box” and of course “Vworp”, leading to the TARDIS itself! She also made a felt fez for a friend who is dressing up as Eleven. I wish I had thought of this. Love it!

Category: Craft, Geek, Girly, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Doctor Who Poodle Skirt
October 31

London Comic Con – Trek, Wars and Groups

Because I’m in no way unbiased I’m going to show you my little group first:


This is, of course, Husb0t and baby unit being cute. Unfortunately there’s nothing handmade about these costumes :-( I’m just not that hardcore…

But check out this adorable andorian we found:

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