November 4

Evil Dead Wearable Chainsaw

Man craftiness is sexy.  Sam O posted this gem on her blog, CottonSpool. Mr. O has planned a costume party for his 30th birthday and plans to go as Ash, from the Evil Dead trilogy. Now, we all know Ash is nothing without his boom-stick and chainsaw, so when Mr. O realized an arm mounted chainsaw was hard to come by on Craigslist, he did what any man would do, he went to his shed, day in, day out, and created an Evil Dead Wearable Chainsaw from things he had laying around. Bravo, Mr. O!

Evil Dead Wearable Chainsaw

October 28

Help me out!

Not necessarily in order – work, school, family, blogging, crafts – and now jury duty! I don’t have the time or energy to find you some fantastic Halloween costumes, so you dear readers needs to help me out! Leave a link in the comments to a cool Halloween costume or craft by Sunday midnight and I’ll pick someone at random to get a prize. And go!

October 21

Donnie Darko Stenciled Skelesuit

Donnie Darko Stenciled SkelesuitSo I wasn’t going to start posting again until the fabulous, coming soon redesign was ready, but then I thought about all the cool, geeky Halloween costumes that are being posted and decided I should go ahead and post. So I give you… a Donnie Darko stenciled skelesuit from Craftster user shesxautomatic.

Look for some important Geek Crafts announcements in the next few days.

– Shayne

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