March 16

The Cutest Dalek Ever


Allison Bitter has a free knit pattern over at Ravelry for your baby: a Dalek jumper! (You may need to create a user name and password in order to download the pattern.)

“You don’t have to wait for the baby in your life to grow up to put him or her in a Dalek jumper! …you can choose which two colors you’d like to make it. It uses around 215-250 yards of yarn and will probably keep you busy for a while – just long enough to figure out how to avoid extermination.”

And once your baby becomes the scourge of the universe, this little jumper would go well with the Dalek onesie, featured here on Geek Crafts a little over two years ago by Rossie.

Allison actually uploaded her pattern to Ravelry in November 2011. For more of Allison’s patterns, check out her blog, A Bitter Knitter.


Category: Craft, Geek, Girly, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on The Cutest Dalek Ever
March 1

Introducing Marsha

Hey all, I will be your regular Friday morning blogger so I thought I would throw a bit of introduction at you first. I am a long time crafter, currently focused on knitting, spinning, and bead working to name a few things that I get my own crafty hands busy with.  So I’m sure geeky knits will be prominent.


I tend to roam the internet as One Geek to Craft Them All, so that should point out at least one geeky place that is precious to me. I’m a fan of comics, fantasy, mythology, magic, cosplay, and plenty of others. To be more specific things that own a place in my heart, include but are not limited to, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Harry Dresden, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Supernatural, Harry Potter; you know the basics. The list goes ever on.

In my day to day life I put my Master’s in Industrial/Organizational Psychology to use as Research Associate at a management consultant firm.  I can feel your eyes glazing over from here so I’m gonna stop there. It’s for the best really. My closest friends only vaguely understand what I do. I like statistics, I play with them for a living, is close enough, really.

I’ll see everyone bright an early on  Friday and until then I leave you with a handmade Tardis dress I have been trying to talk myself out of buying by Lex from  Smarmy Clothes.












She also has a great blog with sewing tutorials here.


Marsha can usually be found, roaming twitter as @1geek2craftall or blogging at One Geek To Craft Them All. She thinks cheaters never prosper, unless it’s the Kobayashi Maru. Then cheat like there’s no other way to win.

August 8

A Preview of Lady Vadore

Once again, Epbot‘s Jen Yates is up to her customary crafty tricks. In anticipation of Star Wars Celebration, Jen (with an assist from husband John, as usual) has been steadily laboring on a steampunk female Darth Vader costume christened Lady Vadore. The first step involved hacking a Vader mask in spectacular ways. Note I didn’t post a pic of the final step—you’ll just have to read the tutorial and scroll down for the stunning reveal. Jen has since posted another sneak peek of the costume, which I can’t wait to see in its entirety. So thorough! Such attention to detail! Such crafty steampunk Star Wars goodness! Such excitement!

Category: Craft, Geek, Girly, Movies, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on A Preview of Lady Vadore
May 26

Faerie Fashion

After being heavily involved with historical reenactment for 19 years, I can appreciate great costuming, both in the time spent in its creation and the money invested. Costuming done right is a labor of love. One of my favorite “fun” types of costuming has to be faeries. There are no set rules, just let your mind run free!

sairosaurus on Craftster has shared her faerie creations. What is even better is that as you read through this thread, not only do you get to see some fantastic photos but she goes into her creative process for several bits and pieces of her costumes. She discusses how she made her goblin shoes, a goblin latex mask as well as her faerie wings. Her work is amazing!

May 15

Tutorial Tuesday: Leia Headband!

The folks over at NicNacNoodle have cooked you up a scrummy Princess Leia headband tutorial.

The best bit is ,you don’t have to knit or crochet or anything like that! Infact this’d be a great rainy day project to keep the kids busy (and keep them geeky!)

Now you can dress up as Princess Leia without using 3 tins of hairspray, WINNING!

Category: Craft, Geek, Girly, Movies, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday: Leia Headband!
March 17

All We Need are the Jelly Babies!

All We Need are the Jelly Babies!All We Need are the Jelly Babies!Because we have the most amazing versions of the Fourth Doctor‘s scarves I’ve ever seen. She has created both These beautiful bead work creations are by Espana Sheriff as she’s known on LiveJournal and in the Crafty_Tardis Community where she posted these lovely works of Doctor Who bead craft.

Her first one is a reproduction of the more famed one we see the Fourth Doctor wear in his adventures. The second, is the red and purple variation Tom Baker wore in his last year as the Doctor.

To quote later incarnations of the Doctor, these pieces are just fantastic and brilliant!