July 16

Tight tight tight!

Are you excited for the Breaking Bad premiere? Of course, by the time this post goes up, the first show of the season will be over, but it you can’t stay up quite that late (like me!) or have to record it, the excitement is still fresh on Monday!  At any rate,  Allison Hoffman can help you channel your love of chemistry-gone-bad into craft with this crochet pattern for Walt and Jessie, complete with tighty-whities (for Walt) and removable hazmat suites. Both gentleman have itty-bitty crocheted Erlenmeyer flasks and Walt even has a little wire pair of glasses, but no amigurumi breathing masks, unfortunately.  Because of the little wire parts, these guys are not suitable for children, but then again, as is pointed out in the Ravelery post, I’m hoping your kids are not watching this show!

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July 14

Have You Hugged a Nightmare Lately?

Have You Hugged a Nightmare Lately? Why would you want to do that?  Well, how about when the nightmare is a huggable version of Jack Skellington from the Nightmare Before Christmas?  Jack is crocheted in not-so-living black and white acrylic yarn.  The free pattern is the creation of April Folts of April Draven Designs.  When completed, Jack measures about fifteen inches tall and is worked in single crochet throughout.


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July 2

Community Amigurumi

Community Crochet Dolls

The TV show Community hasn’t appeared on this blog yet (as far as I know) but I’m going to have to declare it geeky.  Some signs of geekiness include: massive amounts of internal and external “inside” geek references, holodeck-like sets, claymation episodes, some time-warps/alternate timelines, and of course, the fact that it is rumored to be ending prematurely, to the devastation of its small, but fiercely dedicated following.  If that isn’t enough to establish geek cred, I submit, for your approval, this amigurumi tribute:

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June 30

Loki Amigurumi


While I don’t think Loki would appreciate being described as “cute”, “adorable”, “darling” and “huggable”; he really is when you crochet him in this cute, adorable, darling and totally huggable pocket version.  From his removable hat, to his long flowing black hair, and his familiar black and green robes, Loki can go anywhere with you to cause mayhem and disaster keep you company when you need him.

Category: Comics, Craft, Geek, Movies, Myths & Urban Legends, Toys | Comments Off on Loki Amigurumi
June 26

Tutorial Tuesday: Crochet Mermaid Accessories

This week Twinkie, purveyor of fine crocheted non-edible edibles, brings us  yet another adora-bubble crochet tutorial.

You could be dancing round your apartment, dinner fork in hand, singing “Under da Sea” with these gorgeous crochet mermaid accessories in no time!


June 16

Well, hello beautiful.

What can I say? Heath Ledger won my heart very early on in his acting career in the U.S. From “A Knight’s Tale” through to “The Dark Knight”, his name pulled me to the theaters time and again.

I found this afghan on Craftster and my heart just melted. Not only is it is very well done and a labor of love, but it’s a great tribute to his life, his work,  and his impact on our movie industry.

Pesky Pixie! Thank you for creating this beautiful afghan!

The Joker – Heath Ledger afghan – CROCHET.