February 17

Friday Roundup: The year of the dragon

It is the year of the dragon, and as a recently birthday’ed fire dragon myself, I wanted to delve into all things dragon for this week’s round-up. First up from Olga Farberovao, I bring you this touching father-son moment. Check out this firey poppa welcoming his new addition:

This made-to-order toy was crocheted out of mohair yarn. His eyes, nostrils are needle felted. The egg is made by wet felting wool.
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February 11


I have a confession to make.

I’m a geek. I love most all things sci-fi and fantasy. However, I’ve not understood why or how the whole kawaii movement began to infiltrate my geeky world. What’s with the big eyes and everything all of a sudden has to be teeny tiny? I just shook my head in confusion.

And then…I found yodagurumi!

GAH!!! I must have him! Now, the website is in Spanish which could be an obstacle for some, but I can tell you that she doesn’t admit to whether the patterns are her own creation or if she bought them somewhere. Regardless, I MUST HAVE! LOL

Creepetz has created quite a bit of Kawaii Creatures but if you keep scrolling, you will see the entire Neverland cast, Alice in Wonderland with the Mad Hatter and Cheshire cat, Spiderman, and Darth Vader as well. I read her Spiderman entry and it said that her Spidey is 25 cm (or approximately 9.5 inches). If so, that means that Yodagurumi is most likely about 4-5 inches in height. My aging eyes rebel at the very thought of working with a project that small!

CREEPETZ: amigurumi.

February 8

Crocheted Katamari

Ooh! I could have a real katamari that actually picks things up! (Well, a “real” katamari, at least.) I just need to coerce one of my knitter/crocheter friends into making me one using this pattern. Evidently you can also needle-felt a similarly magnetic katamari using the instructions in the how-to guide I Felt Awesome. Watch it in action here.

February 4

Called by Cthulhu

Called by Cthulhu

Usually, the words used to describe H. P. Lovecraft’s creature Cthulhu end to be in the range of ‘hideous’, ‘terrifying’, ‘gargantuan’. Somehow one never things of cute or cuddly. But it appears that Rebekah Clarke-Noonan, known as passiontiger on LiveJournal, has found a way to turn him into a cute and cuddly crocheted figure. Yes, you can find the free pattern for Cthulhu here designed by Rebekah and not that difficult to make. This three dimensional amigurumi is crocheted in the round using a 3.00 mm hook and knitting worsted. You might just find yourself crocheting up a family of Great Old Ones with this pattern.

January 31

High Scoring Mum-Make

This picture was emailed to be by Alea, who’s mom made these oven cloths. Pretty awesome, right? I’ll let Alea explain in her own words;

Basically I just asked her if she could crochet stuff like that and she said she’ll give it a try. Took her about a year to find the time to do it, but for me it was worth waiting. The funny thing is that although the Game Boys we used to have belonged to me and my sister, my Mom was the one playing Tetris all the time and setting the highest records.

Well Alea’s mom doesn’t have a blog, or an Etsy or even a flicker account, so I’m afraid for now this pic is all your getting (but if we all gang up I’m sure we can persuade her to show off her brilliantness a bit more). In the mean time, I’m jealous because my mum can’t crochet OR play Tetris….