January 5

Creeper Plushie – Flickr Thursday

Have you joined the Geek Crafts Flickr Group? No? For shame! You should go and join. Know who is in the group? Yarn.Pixie.

Check out this crocheted creeper! I love the colours and it’s expression. Don’t you wish you had a creeper to snuggle up with? I bet it would protect you pretty well at night from, well, creepers.


Check out Yarn.Pixie‘s Photostream

Join Geek Crafts Flickr Group

More Creepers on Geek Crafts

Category: Craft, Games, Geek, Video Games | Comments Off on Creeper Plushie – Flickr Thursday
January 3

Tusken Raider Star Wars Crochet Hat

Tusken Raider Star Wars Crochet HatWhile I wait patiently for my computer to finish downloading Star Wars: The Old Republic, so I can effectively shed this world and all it’s troubles for a much older world in a Galaxy far, far away, I thought I would browse through Etsy for some wonderful Star Wars related crafty goodness.

When I happened upon BeeBeeKins (A shop for the kids and the kids at heart), and found this Crochet hat, I knew those pesky Jawas wouldn’t be bothering me any longer.  If you scare easily, but then return in greater numbers, this may be the hat for you.

Check it out on Etsy!

Visit BeeBeeKins for even more awesome crafts!

More Star Wars on Geekcrafts!

Category: Craft, Geek, Horror & Gore, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on Tusken Raider Star Wars Crochet Hat
January 1

Crochet Lego Baby Blanket

As I recently finished up a knitting project – a Harry Potter Gryffindor scarf for a friend – I was surfing around looking for my next project. The Internets did not disappoint.

Andrea Baker of All Things Bright & Beautiful recently posted this awesome crochet Lego baby blanket that looks so do-able. I immediately pinned it to my “G33k” Pinterest board.

Lego baby blanket

The bobble stitch is fairly common on afghans, but I love how it mimics a Lego for a subtly geeky look.  Plus, this “set” of Legos would be so much more pleasant to step on in the dark.

Normally I tend to stay away from motif afghan projects because I find stitching all the pieces together to be a tedious chore. But I might be willing to overlook that for this project. In her blog post, Andrea mentions that she plans to write up the pattern she created and share it! I’ll be watching for that one! I wonder if my son might be interested in displaying this on his college dorm bed?

Links of Interest:

December 30

Friday Roundup: Terry Pratchett

I have just finished reading Terry Pratchett’s ‘Hat Full of Sky’ and I am a great fan of his Discworld knovels so that is what has inspired me to search for Terry Pratchett themed crafts this week. It has been quite a task too, not that many recent ones kicking around to show you so some are a couple of years old but excellent none the less.


First up is this amazing mug with the Ankh Morpork Coat of Arms on it made by aethelberga for Ruby Copperhead on Craftster.


Second is this adorable set,  made by LunasCrafts on Etsy, of cute crochet Nac Mac Feegles (though I wouldn’t advise calling a Nac Mac Feegle cute if you don’t feel like a fight).


Show your love for the Witch of all Witches, Grany Weatherwax, with this delightful necklace made by Moonblush Designs on Etsy.


Next up is this stunning silver brooch in the style of Tiffany’s necklace made by Plysperk another Etsy genius.


Here is a witty little badge, made by Lou from bookity, inspired by Granny Weatherwax so you can remind every one that you “aien’t dead”.


This next craft is both cute geeky and useful craft; It is Luggage. Made by squeakyarmadillo from Craftster.


Here is the entire Discworld. in crochet made by June from Planet June.


Finally I would like to present to you the cherry on the top of the cake. I litereally did a little ‘squeee’ when I saw this.

Here is a sculpted Nac Mac Feegle Bust made by maxxev on Craftster.


Well folks, that is it for this weeks Roundup. I am off to carry on Tiffanys journey by starting to read Wintersmith.


December 26

Futurama Crochet Doll Patterns!

Okay, okay.  As 2012 breathes down our neck and we think about the future, what better to get you feeling cozy about it then some Futurama dolls?

Admittedly, I’m not linking to anyone but myself  (Hooked Hands) today, but I used to sell these Nibbler and Leela dolls on Etsy, and the powers that be (the lawyers representing Futurama) told me and everyone else on Etsy to stop selling Futurama inspired crafts.  They cannot however keep me from giving away those patterns to you!  I wrote them up and put them on my blog, so I decided to share them here. Happy New Year everyone!

December 24

I choose you, Bulbasaur!

Over the past year or so, we’ve seen pixelated Spock quilts and then it morphed into Mario afghans. Now, SoreLoser has taken it one step further. WOW!, her afghan is amazing!

SoreLoser has created Bulbasaur in large crochet form! Being a relative newcomer to crochet, the amount of individual little squares needed to create this piece boggles my mind. I give her an A++ for Vision AND Perseverance!

Bulbasar Free form Crochet Afghan