April 19

Tutorial Tuesday! Azumarill Amigurumi – With Pattern!

I am a girl with a one track mind, and the tracks have shifted this week. I’m still hella-excited about the new series of Dr Who coming up, but that kind of obsession takes energy, which I do not have!… anyhow this week, my mind is on Pokemon!!

I’ve recently started (re-started) Pokemon Pearl. I’m a DS-aholic and I cannot afford either Pokemon black/white OR a new 3DS (and I’m quite suspicious that a 3DS might melt my brain… ) So I’m hoping Pearl will keep me occupied until those two ships have sailed… anyhow… enough about me… lets talk about crafts!

Craftster user and blogging superstar WolfDreamer . stitched up this adorable Azumarill Amigurumi. As she says in her craftster post:

“I figured this one is perfect for Easter.  Part Easter egg,  part bunny”

I figure you’re right WolfDreamer! … But wait!! there’s more!! WolfDreamer has also made the crochet pattern availiable for free on her blog!!… I love it when bloggers do that… now all I need to do is learn to crochet

Category: Anime, Craft, Games, Geek, TV, Video Games | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday! Azumarill Amigurumi – With Pattern!
April 16

Reader Submission: Stay Puft Amigurumi

If there are two things I love, they are the Ghostbusters movies, and Bill Murray. Yes, I know Bill Murray was in both Ghostbusters movies, that really isn’t the point. The point is, Tracey, at Mostly Nerdy Crochet, crocheted this desk buddy Stay Puft Amigurumi and I love him. I just love him!

Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Reader Submission: Stay Puft Amigurumi
April 12

Crochet Skull Scarf

Skull ScarfSpring may have sprung, but that doesn’t mean we’re in the clear yet. Especially where I live in Northern California, sunny days can quickly give way to blustery evenings.

However, if you have a scarf as bad-ass as this crochet skull scarf, you won’t mind the cooler weather.

Handmade by Kara York, this Peruvian wool scarf is sure to keep your old bones warm! For folks who like their macabre with a dash of color, Kara’s Etsy shop — Wicked Crochet — also has this scarf in festive colors or with floral accents.

If you’ve already packed away your winter wear, never fear. Kara also offers some lovely skull headbands that would look great with a nice (gothic) sundress.

April 8

Rocky Horror Amigurumi

Rocky Horror AmigurumiThese sassy little Rocky Horror Picture Show amigurumi — made by Shove Mink (a.k.a. Croshame) – are just too cool for school.

Deceptively simple in shape, these cute yarn creations come to life in the details. Check out Frankie’s removable cigarette, Columbia’s glittery get-up, Riff Raffs red eye circles, and Magenta’s beautifully blasé expression.  

I love this combination of crafting and cult cinema. Though, I don’t know how they’re going to Time Warp without any arms or legs…

Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Toys | Comments Off on Rocky Horror Amigurumi
March 28

‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Four Elements Blanket

Kimby posted this gorgeous Last Airbender blanket on her DeviantArt page. It always amazes me the designs people can make with crochet. The four symbols are perfect! And it’s huge…I want one! She has the pattern and tutorial on her blog, with tips. The most important one: “And this one last, very crucial tip: Make sure to watch your Avatar DVDs while working on this blanket. On repeat. For several hours at a time…”

March 23

Michelangelo Amigurami

Craftster user WolfDreamer had planned to make this for a few years and posted it just in time for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 27th anniversary. This is based on the original series Michelangelo. I love his nunchucks!  There’s a free pattern on her blog, and it can be modified to make any of the turtles. Raphael was always my favorite, what about you?