March 21

A Stitch In Time…Lord

Allons-y! Craftster user pickled_peppers made this 1/3 scale model amigurumi of the tenth Doctor— complete with red converse and double hearts (his hair is perfect too)!  Ten is my Doctor, so I really love this.  There are more pictures in her post (including one “with” the Doctor). She’s working on a pattern, for those of use who want their very own huggable David Tennant.

March 21

Everyone’s Favorite Elder God

Now you can have everyone’s favourite elder god in plushie form. He’ll protect you from the monsters in your closet and under your bed while you sleep.

You can have him made in any colour you can imagine. You even make him sparkly! Sparklethulhu!

He just looks so huggable! Who doesn’t want an elder god they can hug?

Find him on Etsy

Concertina’s shop on Etsy

More Cthulhu-y goodness on Geek Crafts

Category: Craft, Geek, Horror & Gore, Myths & Urban Legends, Toys | Comments Off on Everyone’s Favorite Elder God
February 12

Futurama Amigurumi Zoidberg

Futurama Amigurumi ZoidbergNew Craftster user Loefferst (I love finding new users!) came up with this design herself for an amigurumi Zoidberg from Futurama. She was also nice enough to share the pattern, so click through to see her post if  you want to make your own. I’m in love with the teeny tiny felt clothes and accessories. And for those who aren’t Futurama experts, Loefferst says:

For those of you who are confused as to why there is a blue Zoidberg there is a parallel universe episode.