December 15

Home is Where the Hearthstone is

World of Warcraft crochet hearthstone

My husband and kids were quick to jump on the World of Warcraft bandwagon when it was introduced in 2004. It’s hard to believe it will be 10 years next year! Due to their continued interest in the game, I immediately recognized this Ravelry Hearthstone project. With the holidays nearly upon us, perhaps you could use a hearthstone to return you to those you hold nearest and dearest?

Fitting in the palm of your hand, this cute amigurumi project would make a great stocking stuffer.

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November 10

Thor: The Dark World, and the Amigurumi

Animated Thor gif
© Marvel

Ohhhh my gosh, you guys. I just saw “Thor: The Dark World.” I’m not even going to bother fully reviewing it – there are plenty of reviews out there to fill that need for you. Besides, from the reviews I read, they’re just not that encouraging. I actually really enjoyed the movie, as did my comic-book-geek husband. The visual effects were stunning, almost too much to absorb. There were solid elements of humor, and Loki got even more time to shine. The battle scenes were epic – I actually had chills the entire last 20 minutes, waiting to see what happened next. When it was done, it took me a few minutes to catch my breath – I felt like I’d just been on a roller coaster! What a ride!

So take any quasi-negative reviews with a grain of salt – if you’re looking for a comic book movie with great effects, and just want to be entertained, you won’t be disappointed.

P.S. We saw it in IMAX 3D – totally worth it. Gorgeous.

P.P.S. There are TWO bits to stay after for. One after the visual cast credits, then another one after all the behind-the-scenes names scroll past. Stay for both.

Now, to make this crafty, how about some Thor crafts?

Jess Newstone has an adorable amigurumi pattern for a Thor, complete with Mjollnir (see below). She also has a Loki pattern. Be sure to check out the rest of her Tumblr; I love the concept. She puts her “pocket Loki” doll in all sorts of fun scenarios and photographs it . Fun and adorable.

Thor crochet amigurumi
© secretlyginger

Nikki Olida/Golden Jellybean has created a doll with a different look: a Thor Sackdoll (see below). Check out her video description, and the pattern in her Etsy shop.

Thor sackboy by Nikki Olida
© Nikki Olida

And finally, Dedfa has created a fun crochet Thor helmet (see below).

Crochet Thor Helmet by Dedfa


Feel free to share your thoughts on the movie in the comments section below!

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November 3

Minion hat (and costume)

Minion costume

Needing a Halloween costume for a party this year, I opted to be a Minion from the movie, “Despicable Me.” I found some overall shorts and a yellow shirt at a local thrift store, some yellow tights at Target, and borrowed the boots from my daughter.

But the crowning glory (pun intended) of the ensemble was the crochet Minion hat, thanks to a free Ravelry pattern by Jennifer Dougherty. It took me just two evenings to whip up – one evening for the yellow cap, and one evening for the goggled-eye.

While Halloween has passed, perhaps this project will still inspire you for holiday gift-giving. The pattern provides instructions for child-adult sizing, so you can create your own family of Minions in time for the holidays!

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September 1

Crochet Superhero Shield blanket

Captain America shield blanket

Just in time for the premiere of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., look at the fun Little Super Hero Blanket I found over at Lion Brand Yarn. Methinks it looks an awful lot like a Captain America shield, no?

Made with super bulky yarn and an “N” hook, I bet the pattern comes together pretty quickly. It would make a cool area rug or wall hanging for a kid’s room. Looks like you could also easily adapt it to a pillow, so it would be even more shield-like. What fun it would be to toss that around the room while pretending to save the world!

Anyone else looking forward to the new Joss Whedon series? We certainly are in our house!

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August 30

Let’s Go Flying

Last week I shared NeedleNoodle’s Ray Gun pattern in both knit and crochet. I should have know bettern than to just stop there. She has tons of great patterns for lots of geeky knitting and crochet.  Two patterns caught my eye as too more to share of their work.

First up a crochet hot air balloon. Its oh so very cute. And the size states it can hold a lego minifig


But it gets better.  There is also an airship.



Look at that air ship, my first thought was combining these two patterns, and making a Steampunk themed baby mobile.  I just need to find a baby. Plan B – Christmas ornaments, imagine these done in sparkle yarn, add a chain to hang them from. And you have unbreakable pretty for the tree.

Both patterns like before are available for purchase on Etsy and Ravelry.


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