April 27

Friday Round-Up: Fish with Feet

So, this week’s Friday Round-Up celebrates one of my heroes, Darwin. The well-known two legged take on the ichthys symbol  is used by fans of evolution (can a scientific theory have fans? Does it matter if it does or not? It’s popularity’s kinda irrelevant; it’s still true…). Darwin Fish (Or Tonys, as all good Feeters know) are rough depictions of Ichyostega, the remains of which are important transitional fossils between tetrapods and fish, since they have a tail and gulls akin to fish but amphibian style skull and limbs.

So, I present to you my ten favourite crafts in honour of both Darwin and Tony…

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April 14

For Little Geeks on the Go!

For those of us who are parents, we all deal with the same problem of how to keep our little geeklings occupied and/or quiet when needed. Yesterday while perusing Pinterest, I found the most amazing answer!


A Star Trek Quiet Book!  I am in AWE! Julie has created an amazing quiet book complete with a full set of the Next Gen characters in finger puppet form, transporter, a Vulcan salute and Geordie’s glasses.

Heck, I think I’d have to buy two of these books. One for my kids and one for ME!

Check out Julie’s etsy for even more of her geeky, creative genius!

julies blog: My Star Trek Quiet Book.

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April 7

From Tricking & Treating to Easter Basket, TARDIS!

From Tricking & Treating to Easter Basket, TARDIS! That’s what is so wonderful about the TARDIS, time becomes wibbly, wobbly and what you thought worked as a Halloween TARDIS Trick or Treat Tote would be equally appropriate as an Easter Basket for your favorite Companion as you travel through time.

This free tote pattern is the creation of Jennifer Ofenstein of Sewhooked who was inspired by a request for a TARDIS bag from her daughter.  With some felt, thread and ingenuity, Jennifer came up with a tote that can hold so many wonderful things, not just candy (though it really is the perfect place for hiding that chocolate stash).


March 28

Plants vs. Zombies vs. Santa

I wish I had a tutorial to offer you, but I don’t. Here’s the (awesome) scoop anyway: This dude, Sean, has an apparently crafty and fabulous mother. He told her that he and his girlfriend were into Plants vs. Zombies shortly before Christmas. She made them these delightful stockings. He shared the story on Reddit, and it was subsequently tweeted by PopCap’s Director of Editorial and Social Media, Jeff Green. Who thought they were socks, before being corrected by much of the twitterverse. And now I share it with you. Enjoy.

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March 3

A Hoopla of Robots!

Over on Craftster, there has been a great big HOOPLA! Actually, this Hoopla has been going on for a couple of years now and has not lost momentum like so many other crafty trends. The term applies to any sort of needle work framed in an embroidery hoop regardless of size.

I have to say this particular set of Hoopla is some of my all time favorites. It combines R2D2 and C3PO, needlework and felt. How awesome is that??! Loveandasandwich stitched up these wonderfully detailed pieces bringing our favorite ‘bots to life. She even gives us a bit of insight as to her creative process towards the end of her original post.

Fantastic work loveandasandwich! The Force is with you!


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