April 16

You Can’t Take The Yarn From Us!!


The evil shadow of Fox has fallen again upon the verse. First they took our show. Now they want our yarn.

In the spirit of things, I’ve decided to share one of my favorite ’Cunning Cap’ inspired crafts… the Cunning Cozy! This cunning little cozy is the perfect place to store (or hide) your lip balm no matter where in the verse you are.

“Not a fan of lip balm? The hat can also be used as a pencil topper or ornament.” ~ Kristin Stevenson

The creator  of the Jayne Hat Lip Balm Cozy is Kristin Stevenson of Tiny Purrs. You may recognize her as the creator of the Ewok scoodie shared on this site earlier in the year.

April 13

Fox Is Cracking Down On Anyone Making And Selling Homemade Firefly Jayne Hats

f108_jaynes_hatAccording to Geek Girl Diva over at Fashionably Geek, “Apparently, fans who have been making and selling their versions of the Jayne hat for roughly the last 10 years are being sent “cease and desist” notices from Fox. It seems Ripple Junction now has an official license to make the Jayne hat (shown at right, the one sold through ThinkGeek for $24.99) and that means independent Browncoats who might be making and selling them are now infringing on the license for a simple patterned hat.” BTW, as of 04/13/13, there were 60 handmade Jayne hats for sale.

The Browncoats of the world did not approve and ThinkGeek took action:

“Browncoats, we hear your concerns about the cease and desist on Etsy Jayne Hat sellers!

“We weren’t involved in that process, but we have reached out to FOX and we’ve heard what you’ve had to say. As a result, we’ve decided to donate the profits from all Jayne Hat sales on our site to Can’t Stop the Serenity, a Browncoat charity dear to ThinkGeek’s heart that raises funds and awareness in support of Equality Now. We’ll continue making that donation until we run out of stock.

“We hope the Hero of Canton himself would approve.”

janye-hatThis was Think Geek’s udpated on 04/11/13: “So, we got Fillioned. Nathan Fillion tweeted a link to our blog post about our Jayne Hat donation to Can’t Stop the Serenity (thank you, Nathan!) and our blog couldn’t handle the traffic, taking the whole site down with it (thank you, Nathan?).”


April 2

Captain Malcolm Reynolds: Man or Mouse?!

Have you ever seen something so cute you’ve actually squealed out loud? Of course you have; you’re a Geek Crafts reader. But seriously, I’ve just had the biggest cute-fest in weeks browsing through Quernus Crafts’ photostream over on Flickr, after seeing this incredibly wonderful mini sculpture:

Captain Mal Reynolds Mouse

It’s Mal Reynolds! From Firefly! But he’s a mouse!

I was a HUGE fan of Firefly (why, Fox, whyyy?) so was instantly drawn to this precious piece of polymer clay. But then I looked through some of the other things that Kirsten has made and found there was a goldmine of beautifully crafted figurines, and something for any type of geek. Harry Potter geeks, Terry Pratchett geeks, Comic Book geeks, Torchwood geeks, Hobbit geeks, Manga geeks, Dr Who geeks, Science geeks, Star Wars geeks, or just a geek who likes cute things.

Check out the Quernus Crafts website too, where you can shop or even commission your own Quernus creation. I am now deleting all my Quernus bookmarks though, because I’m scared I’ll just go and buy everything.

February 24

All hail Jayne!

Jayne Cobb peg doll

Since February 27th is the birthday of Adam Baldwin, or “the man they call Jayne”, I thought it might be fun to do a round-up of Jayne Cobb related crafts.

Above is a little wooden peg doll I created for my work cubicle – complete with mini crocheted hat and Blue Sun shirt.

I’ve also previously shared my version of the Jayne Cobb hat and a scarf I worked up, and a version of Jayne’s grenade.

Etsy, of course, does not disappoint with Jayne-related projects. Each image is clickable to the Etsy shop of origin.

Jayne Cobb poster - Keep Calm & Carry Vera


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