November 14

Crochet shawl pattern: Our Mrs. Reynolds (aka Yo-Saff-Bridge)

Mrs Reynolds Firefly shawl In my Internet wanderings seeking a new project to crochet, I found this lovely shawl pattern at Ravelry. Lovely, in that it is actually pretty, and lovely, in that it’s an homage to probably my favorite episode of Joss Whedon‘s “Firefly” – “Our Mrs. Reynolds“, in which Captain Mal finds himself married to a young “innocent”. Classic Joss dialogue in this one (“Special Hell”, anyone?)

But I digress. The shawl pattern is what I’m here to share with you, so share I shall. Megan Nieves (aka Maggie_the_Spy) created the pattern, and shared the pictures in the Ravelry entry, but the actual pattern is shared on her LiveJournal. Be sure to check out either source for her backstory of meeting Christina Hendricks, who played the young “bride” Saffron on “Firefly”, at a Comic-Con. Pretty cool!

Mrs Reynolds Firefly shawl - closeup

Links of Interest:

October 30

Geeky Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Patterns

Just in time for tomorrow’s spooky big day, I found some fabulous pumpkin carving templates with a dash of geeky flair, and a side of Joss.

That’s right – Firefly-inspired jack-o-lanterns. Aw yeah.

JackOLantern pattern -Mal Reynolds Firefly

From the PinkRaygun, I present for your geek-out pleasure – Halloween Pumpkin Carving Templates. There are 9 patterns for Firefly, one for each character, and 3 bonus patterns for characters from another short-lived TV series, Heroes.

PinkRaygun also offers a lovely archive of pumpkin carving patterns, including patterns for The Silence from Doctor Who, Rorsharch from the Watchmen, Star Trek: The Original Series (ST: TOS, for those in the know), and this fantastic Wonder Woman pattern.

Wonder Woman Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Carving pattern

What geeky jack-o-lanterns are you planning (or have you carved in the past)?

Happy Halloween, geek-crafters!

Links of Interest:

October 9

Gearing up for a shiny Halloween with Firefly costumes

Just over 3 weeks until Halloween (at the time of this posting) – do you know what your  (or your kids’) Halloween costume will be?

Browncoats Prom - Firefly-inspired Duct Tape costumes In case you’re still in the “seeking Divine inspiration” phase, let me point you to this very divine Firefly costume set. MADE. WITH. DUCT. TAPE. I saw this post first on, but it looks like the conversation started over on Toledo392 posted there, requesting votes for his entry into Duck Brand’s “Stuck at the Prom” contest. He wrote:

“In this contest, high school students from all over the country create prom outfits using duct tape. Ten finalists are selected from all of the entries, and online voting determines the winner. To demonstrate my devotion to Firefly, I created my duct tape ensemble inspired by Mal’s tux and Kaylee’s dress from Shindig. These outfits made it into the top ten.

I used over 20 rolls of duct tape, and had to overcome laws of physics (all those ruffles are heavy!) as well as wear the outfit in Phoenix summer temperatures exceeding 107 degrees.”

Very impressive, and indeed – very shiny.

September 25

Serenity crew amigurumi

“Just focus! The Alliance said they were gonna waltz through Serenity Valley. And we choked ’em with those words. We’ve done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. Just a little while longer. Our angels are gonna be soaring overhead, raining fire on those arrogant Khags. So you hold. You hold! Go!”

quote source: IMDb

Firefly Amigurumi crafts I do love me some Joss, especially in the form of Firefly and Serenity. So when I saw these fabulous Firefly amigurumi by Lucinda879 on Craftster, I just had to share. Aren’t they shiny?

Be sure to click through to check out more pics. I love how she combined crochet bodies with fabric clothing, and the finely detailed hair. And check out the realistic version of Vera, sitting quite cunningly on Jayne’s utility belt.

September 14

Pretty cunning, don’tchya think?

“Man walks down the street in that hat…People know he’s not afraid of anything”. Ah, Firefly. No better way to recognize a fellow Browncoat than by seeing their “Jayne” hat. Or in this case, a hat cross stitch. silentblair stitch the iconic hat with the quote from the episode “The Message” (where we see Jayne get it). The pom poms are 3D, which is a really cute touch. She also backed it in “Browncoat issue underpants plaid”. Of course, now “Hero of Canton” is stuck in my head…