Sometimes, the best Halloween decorations are the simplest. Case in point, check out the windows in this house. The creatures you see in the windows are spray painted, flattened cardboard boxes. The boards are on the lower windows are painted polyurethane foam board that was cut into “planks” and painted.
SneakersRobinson posted his Halloween decorations recently to Imgur. He said he finally got his own place after living with roommates for a while, so he decided to do Halloween right this year by making his own Halloween decorations.
He started by making fake 2×4’s, by buying big sheets of polyurethane foam board and cutting them into planks. After cutting, he used a nail to make groves and some knots into the “wood”. From there, he got some light and dark drown spray paint and got to work. He said he also noticed that if you spray some spots excessively the paint will eat away some of the foam board which made making the knots a lot easier.

He then got the largest boxes he could find and cut them so they would lay flat. He looked online for some inspiration and started drawing an outline by freehand. After he had his outline, he cut them out with a box cutter.

After they were all cut out, he spray painted them black so they looked like shadows in the windows. When he was ready to start decorating, all SneakerRobinson had to do was place these guys in his windows.