Rotary iPhone
While looking for camera cases, I stumbled upon hine’s shop on Etsy. Not only are the camera camera cases awesomely adorable, but the rotary iPhone cases really caught my eye. Remember old rotary phones?! I do. They were a pain to dial, made a whole bunch of noise, and just the handset was 10x bigger than my phone now… but this hand stitched iPhone case sure makes me slightly nostalgic for those old clunkers! Now I anxiously await more of her Etsy postings so I can have one of my very own :)
Alien iPod Pouch
I found this cute little Alien iPod Pouch in the Geek Crafts Flickr pool from Artsi Bitsi. (are you check out the Geek Crafts Flickr pool? Lots of cool stuff in there!) You can buy this little guy and more from her Etsy shop.
iPod Pouch and Armband
Craftster user skin12 made this super cute iPod pouch and armband for her sister – I *love* the fabric!
9 Examples of Geeky Cross Stitch
Stitch by stitch and pixel by pixel, cross stitch is a great medium for geek crafts! Get out some graph paper and markers and see what kind of designs you can come up with.
The IT Crowd Cross Stitch
Flickr user a440 is a lucky guy. His wife cross stitched this based on a photo of the introduction to the UK sitcom The IT Crowd. The guy on the left is even wearing a Space Invaders t-shirt!
The Clay Collection – iPod, Dreamcast, and Donkey Kong in Miniature Clay
I love tiny things. And even better than tiny things is tiny geeky things! Lauren of The Clay Collection makes amazingly detailed itty, bitty polymer clay goodies. She even takes custom orders and it looks like she can handle just about anything. Check out her Etsy shop too see all her ready-made goods. Here are a few of my favorites: