April 10

Tutorial Tuesday: TARDIS Knitting Chart

Via Crafty Tardis

Hey, so, spring is springing all around us, so if you’re as proficient a knitter as me it’s time ot prepare for winter! Haha. Check out this awesome knitting chart, posted by Crafty Tardis member Yuka Tan. It”s perfect for for an old fashioned style winter sweater, with a Whoovian twist!

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April 8

Dr. Who Meets Jayne Cobb

Unfortunately, the tragically short-lived TV series “Firefly” wasn’t on the air long enough to do a crossover episode, but clever crafter came up with the idea to do a Firefly/Dr. Who mashup project: a knit Jayne Cobb hat done in Dr. Who scarf colors. She (HolyNarf?) calls it her “Doctor Jayne” hat.

Doctor Who-Jayne Cobb hat

Doctor Who-Jayne Cobb hat, pic 2

The effect is so subtle that most would probably not recognize that it’s Doctor Who colors, even if they might recognize the Jayne Cobb hat style. And the colors are definitely male-friendly, which I love – it can be hard to find manly hat patterns. At least for my men. Do you ever have the same problem? Would this hat make the “acceptable crafting” list for a man in your life? Or maybe yourself?

April 4

The Trend Begun by Jacob Marley

Now, I’m not going to claim that this is the world’s warmest scarf—and I know from personal experience, thanks to my lovely knitter friend Katie, who made me one—but the Marley’s Ghost scarf is definitely a statement piece. I get compliments every time I wear mine; sometimes I just wear it like a giant, slightly fuzzy necklace so that I don’t have to remove it indoors. It’s that cool.

April 3

Tutorial Tuesday: Star Wars Knitting Charts

Via Pinterest

This baby blanket is practically a reason to procreate!
(Geekcrafts does not endorse the practice of procreation in order to receive knitted goods…)

Want to make it for someone you know/love/met today on a bus?! Well you’re in luck! because the fabulous Leah Fenton has made the knitting charts available free on Ravelry and her own website.

Perhaps you cross stitch and you can’t decide whether to knit them or use the charts as part of an awesome sampler? I can feel the conflict within you!

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February 24

Friday Roundup – This 99 Cent App Has Taken Over

Friday Roundup


Just one more… Hmm? What? … Yes, yes, I know it’s almost time for the Friday Roundup. Just wanted to finish this lev… I am not! No way I’m addicted to… What? Just pause it and do the round up? Okay, but I’m not addicted to it!

Sorry, guess I had lost tract of time but never fear, for the Friday Roundup is loaded with some amazing patterns to create some fabulous Angry Birds creations (and I am not addicted).

Emjay Bailey, otherwise known as Nerdigurumi has crochet patterns available for free for both the Angry Red Cardinal and the Green Pig.

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App Has Taken Over

Knitter can find patterns for the pair as well as the Angry Yellow Bird at Knitterbee‘s blog.

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App has Taken Over

Crocheters do not dispair because Laura Chua offers us a free download for the Angry Yellow Bird.

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App has Taken Over

Michele Villa offers a pattern for a crocheted Angry Birds Cozy which can be adapted to size.

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App Has Taken Over

Crafts by Starlight has a pattern for a crocheted Angry Bird Black Bird Hat.  There are also links there for several other Angry Bird hats as well.

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App has Taken Over

Lii Yan seems to have some sympathy for those frustrating Green Pigs and gives us a pattern for a hat.

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App has Taken Over

Not into hats? Then how about an Angry Birds Tissue Box Cover by Donesia Margolis?

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App has Taken Over

Suzy Vitale has created charts for knitting of the Red and Black Angry Birds.

Friday Roundup - This 99 Cent App has Taken OverFriday Roundup - This 99 Cent App has Taken Over

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some pigs to destroy… Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!