September 26

Star Wars “Rebel Scum” hat

So Star Wars is finally out on Blu Ray, and while I won’t be buying it, my brother did and he’s really excited about it. So in honor of everyone who is excited I present the knitted “Rebel Scum” hat! greenchick knitted this hat for her husband to wear when the Trilogy originally came out on dvd back in 2004.

I haven’t seen all of the changes made to the movies, what do those of you who bought the blu ray think of them?

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September 13

Tutorial Tuesday: Goomba Dishcloth

Valerie from Der Himmel ist Grau (The Sky is Grey… in case you’re wondering) sent in a link to her blog.

Just so you know… she’s a crochet dishcloth pixel art ninja.

She’s made up crochet/knitting charts so that you too can crochet dishcloths adorned with goombas, koopa troopers, yetis, pac men and yummy yummy ghosts. Go for it!

August 16

Tutorial Tuesday: God of War PSP Cosy

JuliaStitches, 50% of the creative powerhouse behind blog Creative Momnesia, shares this cute knitting tutorial for how to make your own omega symbol, god of war themed PSP cosy.

You’ll need a little knowledge of knitting to follow the pattern, but it’s a great little project and would make a cute gift for any Gods or Goddesses of War.

Plus your PSP will never be cold again… :-)

Category: Computers, Craft, Games, Geek, Toys, Video Games | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday: God of War PSP Cosy
July 5

Knitted Dalek Cushion

Via Crafty Tardis

I love the granny-chic charm of this (which I imagine to be sort of like shabby-chic only with more knitting and perhaps biscuits*!)

Crafty Tardis contributor love_shark_week made this, another Dalek and a Tardis knitted cushion in really striking colours.

She used knitpro to make the pattern. A pretty neat website where you can import any image and get it to draw you a knit, crochet or even cross stitch pattern! ooh… This would be great fun, except those are the three crafts that I don’t (yet) ‘do’ *sadface*

Anyhow, by the wonder blogging, go forth readers! go and make patterns for EVERYTHING.

*sorry ‘cookies’ pfft… I have no idea what American Grandmas do if they’re not eating rich tea biscuits, baking tea loaf and drinking tea.


Category: Craft, Geek, Sci-Fi, Science | Comments Off on Knitted Dalek Cushion
June 28

Tutorial Tuesday: Dr Who Gloves!

Via Crafty Tardis.

Yep, Fez mitts are cool.

Don’t know about everywhere else in the world, but in the UK we’re suffering from Dr Who withdrawal now that the season’s over.

The great thing about this free mitten pattern from Nyss from Pixelated Mushroom that they are flip-top, so you can still make use of them in the summer. I’m thinking about British summer here, of course. Or if you’re like me, if you start to knit now you may just finish them in time for the winter.

Gotta love that bow tie.

April 24

Jayne Cobb Hat and Scarf

Jayne Cobb hatsAs my first geekcraft-sharing post, I thought I would share one of my own projects, or actually a couple. As a proud Browncoat (fan of Joss Whedon‘s TV series “Firefly“), I of course knit the requisite Jayne Cobb hat – one for my husband, and one for my son. I used Dryope’s Jayne Cobb hat pattern for the hat, though there are many variations on the pattern.

My husband says it’s the warmest snow-shoveling hat he’s ever had. In fact, after shoveling one particularly cold day, he remarked that it was too bad that there wasn’t a matching scarf pattern, to keep his neck and face warm as well. Not one to let my crafting superpowers go to waste, I began designing a scarf immediately.

I consulted with my son and fellow Browncoat, and he thought the stripes should be “random” (rather like Jayne himself), so he devised the pattern of stripes, and how wide each stripe should be. I think the resulting pattern turned out almost like a contemporary version of the Dr Who scarf, which just gives it extra geek points, in my mind.

I stuck with the traditional colors of the Jayne Cobb hat – red(ish), orange(ish), and yellow. I used Vanna’s Choice yarn in Brick, Mustard, & Rust, so it would have easy care & handling.

Here’s a rough pattern for the Jayne Cobb scarf I came up with:

cast on in desired width (multiples of 6)
knit two rows of garter stitch
then work in a 3×2 rib (K3, P2) for remainder of scarf:
row 1: K3, P2
row 2: P3, K2
end with two rows of garter stitch
Jayne Cobb scarf
6” Brick/red
7” Rust/orange
1” Mustard/yellow
3” Rust/orange
4” Mustard/yellow
2” Brick/red
7” Rust/orange
3” Brick/red
6” Mustard/yellow
7” Rust/orange
7” Mustard/yellow
3” Brick/red
7” Rust/orange
6” Brick/red

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