April 18

Space Invaders Hat!

I can’t knit… and people like Craftster user queenofmarigold really make me want to learn.

Queenofmarigold knit this super cute reversible space invaders ear flap hat and figured out how to do the space invaders sprites herself! I’m sure to those of you out there who knit that’s a “Well DUH that’s pretty easy.. all you gotta do is…” … but to us non-knitters it’s like WITCHCRAFT!… awesome witchcraft…

March 7

DNA Scarf

Craftster is such a great place to find nerdy crafts. Back in 2008 they had a Science IS Art swap that had amazing gallery–which included the greatest scarf of all time: the DNA Scarf. Superhooker made it for her partner (along with other great stuff) and it quickly became a popular topic. Last year I was the lucky recipient of one, and I love it! The pattern is here, so you can have your own!

February 26

Angry Birds Stitch Markers

Angry Birds Stitch MarkersCraftster user Leslieshappyheart made these cute yet angry Angry Birds stitch markers out of polymer clay for a knitting swap partner. I have to admit that I haven’t played Angry Birds yet, but the crafts I’m seeing from it are awesome. Anyone else have any?

(Leslie also makes and sells adorable purses in her Etsy shop–check them out!)

February 18

Knit Video Game Scarves

metroid scarfFor gamers living in colder corners of the world, DeviantART member Jenifer Chetwin (AKA Mad Mouse Media) offers some beautiful – and toasty-looking – video game scarves.

From classic Nintendo games like Metroid  to smash XBox titles like Assassin’s Creed, Jenifer has skillfully knit up a gamut of gaming icons.

She takes commissions, so get your scarf before the thaw!

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February 11

Knit Power Cord Scarf

Power Cord ScarfPlug in to style with this sweet power cord scarf!

Made by Brooklyn-based designer Nguyen Le, these scarves are not only cute, they’re “green” as well. According to her Etsy profile, the yarn comes from a family-run yarn mill that uses 90% less water in their yarn production. How awesome is that?

You can find this scarf in various colors and widths, or if you want to take a crack at making your own, a pattern is also available on her Etsy store, KnitKnit.

February 9

Enterprise Fingerless Mittens

Star Trek and fingerless gloves. It doesn’t get much better than that, especially when the high today is going to be 23 degrees. These were made by Audrey Paquin and published on her Ravelry page (there’s a free pattern). Audrey created the pattern for her sister’s friend (who is also a Star Trek fan).

I love that you can tell what it’s the Enterprise, even if you just see a tiny picture. Sometimes you see knitted items that are supposed to have a picture, but you can’t really tell what it’s a picture of without being told. But this is the Enterprise, no question. I love this color for gloves, because they go with everything. And they look so warm!