January 31

Two ways to make Tom Servo

Lately I’ve been getting really into watching Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K, of course). While my favorite robot on the show is Crow, I feel like Tom Servo is the most easily identifiable robot, even for non-fans of the show. With that in mind, I was curious about what kind of work might go into making a realistic Tom Servo robot.

Luckily, there’s a MST3K fansite that has instructions on how to construct Tom Servo! It looks like attempts were started on Crow and Gypsy, but the website hasn’t been updated since 2006 so I wouldn’t hold my breath on those. Tom looks great though! The anonymous builder admits that this is his first attempt at building one of the bots, but I wasn’t really able to tell.

If you want to give bot building a shot, but fiber arts are more your thing, Craftster member MageAkyla has instructions about how to crochet a chibi Tom Servo.In this version, he’s just a few inches tall and so cute!

I love the creativity and enthusiasm of MST3K fans! If you have any of your own related crafts, please let us know about them!

Category: Craft, Geek, Movies, Sci-Fi | Comments Off on Two ways to make Tom Servo
January 24

Stargate Fair Isle Beanie

I want this hat. I NEED this hat. But I can’t knit, and I don’t know anyone who can do fair isle. I have tried to learn to knit, just so I can make this hat (I’m hopeless). Carol Schoenfelder posted this Stargate beanie over at Ravelry, and I truly think it’s the greatest hat ever.  She used the gate symbols as well as traditional fair isle patterns, making this subtly geeky and incredible cool.

There’s a free tutorial on her Ravelry page, which means someone can make this for me, right? Pretty please?

December 31

12 Best of 2010

Here are my choices for the 12 best geek crafts of 2010:

January – Super Mario Vest by The Happy Seamstress
Super Mario Sweater Vest

February – Minimalist Take on Star Wars by Justin Van Gendern
Minimalist Take on Star Wars

March – Tiny Harry Potter Paintings by JennaDickes
Tiny Harry Potter Paintings

April – Periodic Table of the Elements Table by Abigailscrafts
Periodic Table of the Elements Table

May – Buffy the Vampire Slayer button by ButtonBettie
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Button

June – Tardis Schrapnel by Irishdaydreamer
Tardis Schrapnel

July – Crocheted Spock Head by Amy
Crocheted Spock Head

August (we didn’t have anything, so here’s one I like from May) – Origami Dinosaurs by essemde
Origami Dinosaurs

September (we also didn’t have anything, so here’s another one from June) – Mario Mushroom Grill by Greg.Matta
Mario Muchroom Grill

October – Darth Vader Princess Costume by mayamagination
Darth Vader Princess Costume

November – Tardis Star Quilt by Wendy
Tardis Star Quilt

December – Steampunk Cthulhu Goggles by RobinRed
Steampunk Cthulhu Goggles