Operating System Soaps
Etsy seller pinktoque just introduced a line of soaps she calls GEEKSOAP. She’s got all sorts of fun designs – Facebook and Twitter, Batman and these operating system logos. She’s also got some cool Cthulhu stuff.
Etsy seller pinktoque just introduced a line of soaps she calls GEEKSOAP. She’s got all sorts of fun designs – Facebook and Twitter, Batman and these operating system logos. She’s also got some cool Cthulhu stuff.
Stitch by stitch and pixel by pixel, cross stitch is a great medium for geek crafts! Get out some graph paper and markers and see what kind of designs you can come up with.
Flickr user a440 is a lucky guy. His wife cross stitched this based on a photo of the introduction to the UK sitcom The IT Crowd. The guy on the left is even wearing a Space Invaders t-shirt!
Here are 13 excellent examples of baked geekiness…tasty, too! I need a snack now.
edalytical’s girlfriend Jess made him this funny cake. Roses are #FF0000, indeed.