NES Controller USB Drive
Tutorial Tuesday/Reader Submission! Playable NES Controller Coffee Table!!
I saw this on Sprite Stitch a while back, but eagle eyed reader Brian used the “Submit a GeekCraft” link to point us towards the original source. Thanks Brian!
I’m counting it as a tutorial because Ultra Awesome Blogger Kyle has kept Ultra Awesome detailed records of every step of the process… seriously … THIS is the pinnacle of geek craftyness… I NEED one of these for my living room…(I don’t think my Husb0t would trust me with power tools.. I don’t think I would trust me with power tools…)
Reader Submission! Dr Who Pixel Art Magnets!
Today’s reader submisssion comes from Etsy seller Donna Aka Arcade Artist:
“Hi there,
I love your site and thought you might like to see my new Doctor Who 8-bit characters, these are custom sprites entirely made by me as if they were in an 80’s video game. 
Firstly The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and the Tardis and then each Monday after the previous weekend’s Doctor Who has aired I will be making the new Monster/Alien.
Hope you like ’em :) “
Wow Donna! What a challenge! and so far so good, she’s made The Silence and The Siren from the current series. Go to her shop regularly to check back on new creations!
I think whole concept is really unique and interesting, I love pixel art, I love Dr Who, I love cute things! This ticks a lot of boxes! Speaking of cute, check out her pikmin magnets! (anyone else hoping for a exciting, inventive new pikmin title on the upcoming next gen Nintendo console?)
NES Cartridge External Hard Drive
Nostalgic. Stylish. Practical. These are just some of the words that I would use to describe 8BitMemory‘s portable hard drive made from an NES Legend of Zelda cartridge. 8BitMemory can put an entire terrabyte of extra space (or 500GB or 750GB if you prefer) into pretty much any old cartridge!
Alternatively, if you’re feeling that DIY itch and want to give this a shot on your own, cr0ybot on instructables has a breakdown of how to put together something similar.
- NES Hard Drive The Legend of Zelda
- 8BitMemory on Etsy
- NES Cartridge External Hard Drive on instructables
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