March 7

Pac-Man Atari Source Code Illustration

Ben Fry has made these incredibly intricate illustrations using Atari source codes. The Pac-Man Illustration, pictured above, is the most complicated of the set which are now available for purchase at his site, distellamap.

The whole set is amazing, I wouldn’t think that source codes could be considered “artwork” but these are really cool, and I could definitely see them framed somewhere in my house.

January 31

Atari 2600 Console Cake

Atari 2600 Console Cake

Technabob posted this absolutely amazing Atari 2600 Console Cake by Cakes by the “Pound”, a bakery in Southern California that specializes in “custom designed edible works of art.” When I saw this picture, I thought that this was the most amazing cake I had ever seen. And then I clicked through to Cakes by the “Pound”s portfolio! Even if you aren’t into cakes, it’s definitely worth the time to take a look at some of their incredible creations. And yes, the entire cake is edible.

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