Edward Cullen Plush
Edmett44 on deviantART made this super cute and super detailed Edward Cullen plush. I love the way he made the hair and the detailed jacket is just amazing. Only 11 days left, Twihards!
Edmett44 on deviantART made this super cute and super detailed Edward Cullen plush. I love the way he made the hair and the detailed jacket is just amazing. Only 11 days left, Twihards!
Craftster user Saint_Angel made this cute Einstein plushie. I love the mustache! Click through for Elvis and Jerry Garcia.
What started as a handmade birthday card representation of a cat named Nardis has evolved into an awesome plushie that will ensure Nardis will never be forgotten. I spent quite a bit of time at Geek Booteek, admiring the plushie creations, but these Sugar Skull Kitties were just too cool not to post! There is a promise they will be for sale soon, and I just might have to grab one!
Here’s some fuzzy goodness in the form of an Ewok plushie from Craftster user gammerus.
Okay, so this isn’t actually geeky, but I love it so much! It’s a TV dinner plushie from Etsy seller WhimsyatHandmade. I really might have to buy one of these!
When the zombie apocalypse comes, no one will be safe, not even the zoo animals. Plushroom Soup features this Zombie Giraffe Plushie on etsy. He’s cute, he’s cuddly, and he wants your brrraaaaaaiinnnns.