Demoman from Team Fortress 2 Plush
Here’s another awesome plushie from Craftster user Kochopia: Demoman from Team Fortress 2.
Here’s another awesome plushie from Craftster user Kochopia: Demoman from Team Fortress 2.
One last farewell to the Tenth Doctor seemed appropriate, now that David Tennant’s last episode as The Doctor has aired both in the US and UK.. TeamTHRASH made this adorable Tenth Doctor Chibi featured on Deviant Art. I love his slightly angry looking expression–quite like The Doctor is his final few episodes. Now all that’s left to do is wait until Spring and hope that Matt Smith is able to fill Tennant‘s Converses.
Craftster user Paleona bought this plush Aliens queen (from who???) for her husband for Christmas and then made a baby chestburster to go with her. Click through to see a facehugger too!
“Half-Life” and “adorable” in the same sentence? Yes! Thanks to Craftster user Kochopia who made this adorable Gordon Freeman plushie from Half-Life. Love all the details!
Craftster user Malinki sewed these adorable felt robots for her boyfriend. The arms, legs and even the mouth on the big robot are even adjustable!
This is SO cute and I need one for a pet! Craftster user sparrowarms‘ daughter calls dinosaurs “dinohorsies” so she decided to make a plushie Dinohorsie. Click through to see Dinohorsie’s friend Herb.