August 5

Appa, the Last Pillow Pet

Appa pillow pet

As an aunt who spent a good deal of time last Christmas tracking down just the right Pillow Pets for her nieces, I can tell you for sure I never saw one as cool as this Appa pillow project I just found on Cut Out + Keep. I love that a complete tutorial is included – cuts down on the guesswork when one simply must have a project like this one.

In case you aren’t familiar, Appa is Aang’s loyal sky bison on the animated series Avatar.  If you aren’t familiar with the series Avatar, get thee to Netflix pronto!

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July 21

Metroid To Go.. and other game pieces

Metroid To Go Gaming is not part of my geekness — well, except for Angry Birds.  But I do have friends who are quite proficient in various video games and so have heard the term Metroid bandied about amongst them occasionally.  However, I did not realize just how cute they could be until I spotted Ellen Kramer‘s series of plush keychains of various characters from video games.  For sale in her shop on Etsy called Smellestine, the key chains include Pokeman, Mario Star and Metroid.


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July 15

Meet Spocktopus: A Highly Logical Octopus


Often when I can’t fall asleep at night, my thoughts turn to crafts. I solve all sorts of crafty conundrums in that drowsy half-dozing state – the perfect glue to adhere something, the right binding for a sewing project, where I last saw my size “P” crochet hook…

Plagued with menopause-induced insomnia, Karen at SewMuch2Luv lay awake one night and thought of crafts, too. That’s how she came up with the idea to combine an octopus with Star Trek for a friend. The result: Spocktopus.

I love that he has the gold rickrack on his tentacles – nice detail.

What kind of crafty meanderings keep you awake at night? Or what project would you work on if you had insomnia?

July 9

Planet Plushies

plush planets

As we reach the dog days of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, I hope you are getting a chance to get outside and enjoy the summer nights.  If you are a star-gazer like myself, you might enjoy these plushy little planets.  They have a few advantages over real planets such as: great visibility from your sleeping bag and a lack of toxic gases and or deadly temperatures. In fact, they seem downright friendly! Even our buddy Pluto made it in!

June 30

Loki Amigurumi


While I don’t think Loki would appreciate being described as “cute”, “adorable”, “darling” and “huggable”; he really is when you crochet him in this cute, adorable, darling and totally huggable pocket version.  From his removable hat, to his long flowing black hair, and his familiar black and green robes, Loki can go anywhere with you to cause mayhem and disaster keep you company when you need him.

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April 27

Friday Round-Up: Fish with Feet

So, this week’s Friday Round-Up celebrates one of my heroes, Darwin. The well-known two legged take on the ichthys symbol  is used by fans of evolution (can a scientific theory have fans? Does it matter if it does or not? It’s popularity’s kinda irrelevant; it’s still true…). Darwin Fish (Or Tonys, as all good Feeters know) are rough depictions of Ichyostega, the remains of which are important transitional fossils between tetrapods and fish, since they have a tail and gulls akin to fish but amphibian style skull and limbs.

So, I present to you my ten favourite crafts in honour of both Darwin and Tony…

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