In an effort to give you guys out there in the GeekCrafting Community the recognition you deserve, I’m now helping to post some of your awesome reader submissions! so don’t forget to hit us up using the ‘submit a geekcraft’ link at the top of the page if you make something you think we’d like to see!!
Proud father Steve Pozek sent us some lovely pictures of his (stunning) daughter Maura Pozek who created a truly unique prom dress. Looking at the full length picture (right) you don’t quite get the scope of how awesome this dress truly is. Yes, look closely, this prom dress is woven out of pop tabs, ribbon – and, I’m guessing – a whole lotta blood, sweat and tears.

This mammoth undertaking has also been recognised by local press!
“Pop the top on another energy drink and make a Prom dress? Sure, why not? This dress uses 400 yards of ribbon, nearly 4000 pop tabs, and the patience of 100 hours of tedious weaving (sort of like writing code, only more boring and mind-numbing).
As the proud parent, I watched my 16 year old daughter surrounded by her laptop, a Netflix subscription, and cellphone (for that all important texting), labor over this work of art.” – Steve Pozek
Full respect to Maura and the time, effort, concentration, planning and precision it must’ve taken to weave this masterpiece.
I think I can hear my sewing machine needle breaking just looking at that side seam!
All pictures © Steve Pozek.
Pop the top on another energy drink and make a Prom dress? Sure, why not? This
dress uses 400 yards of ribbon, nearly 4000 pop tabs, and the patience of 100
hours of tedious weaving (sort of like writing code, only more boring and
As the proud parent, I watched my 16 year old daughter surrounded by her laptop,
a Netflix subscription, and cellphone (for that all important texting), labor
over this work of art.