March 26

Needlefelted Spock

Needlefelted Spock

Everyone’s favorite Vulcan celebrated his 82nd birthday today! Or rather, Leonard Nimoy, the man behind the Vulcan did. Happy birthday Mr. Nimoy, and of course, live long and prosper. And that’s from the very handsome “Li’l Spock” as well! And the person who created Li’l Spock? Kay Petal, of Felt Alive. She’s a needle felting artist who creates the most amazing sculptural dolls. Be prepared to be blown away.

March 22

Embriodered Portrait of Captain Kirk

Happy birthday Captain Kirk! That’s right folks, The Shat turned 82 today. I’d be remiss if I didn’t celebrate it in my own little way, namely by geeking out over awesome Kirk inspired crafts. This particular one by tinyairplanes caught my eye, not only because it’s beautifully embroidered, but because it pays homage to the actor behind the character.

Embroidered Portrait of Captain Kirk


February 26

Who Said Androids Can’t Be Cuddly?

Who said androids can't be cuddly?

Every home needs a little bit of warmth. A creative, perhaps even human factor. What’s a better way to enliven your room than to cover a plain old pillow with something pleasing to the eye, Fabi Phil at Etsy must have thought.

This adorable pillow cover features Data, our favorite android and crew member of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Even though the amount of detail is well-done (notice the communicator and rank insignia!), the overall design is still very elegant. I can almost see my family sharing a couch with him!

If you still got some empty bed or chair to fill, make sure to check out the rest of the shop for more trekkie designs and some soft-looking anime and movie characters.

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December 3

Picard garland

So, are you like everyone else in the United States,  jamming up the halls of your local Micheal’s in search of holiday craft items this weekend? Are you stretched to the max between cookie baking, merry making, gift shopping and card swapping?

Via Twitter comes this lovely, simple idea from @janineveazue about how to get your geek craft on when you just can’t fit one.more.dang.thing into your schedule.

As tweeteth  @janineveazue “You were once a pile of smirking Picards, but now you are a festive holiday garland! ”

Take that, Captain Kirk fans.

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July 15

Meet Spocktopus: A Highly Logical Octopus


Often when I can’t fall asleep at night, my thoughts turn to crafts. I solve all sorts of crafty conundrums in that drowsy half-dozing state – the perfect glue to adhere something, the right binding for a sewing project, where I last saw my size “P” crochet hook…

Plagued with menopause-induced insomnia, Karen at SewMuch2Luv lay awake one night and thought of crafts, too. That’s how she came up with the idea to combine an octopus with Star Trek for a friend. The result: Spocktopus.

I love that he has the gold rickrack on his tentacles – nice detail.

What kind of crafty meanderings keep you awake at night? Or what project would you work on if you had insomnia?

July 3

Tutorial Tuesday: Geordi La Forge Visor

geordie visor

Thingiverse contributor Drew Smith not only designed and made a near perfect replica of the visor worn my Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Geordi La Forge, but he then took it to be signed by the Twitter god himself. Nerd points +10!

Even better, he’s uploaded instructions on how you can make your own visor!

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