Being a mother of 2 geeklings is no easy task. Not only do I have to make sure that they are well rounded by watching the required amounts of Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, but I also have to get them to eat their vegetables. Now granted, I don’t have any problems getting them to curl up with me for another round of Harry with popcorn, but getting them to eat a balanced meal can be very challenging!
Jill at Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons has a great solution for all of Geek Moms who face this problem. She helped her kids play with their food and create a lunch sure to tempt any hungry, little padawan.

As much as my kids love Star Wars, I don’t think I’d ever have a problem with them chomping down on a Chewbacca dog, or a Yodalicious salad. They can even play Mash the StormTrooper potatoes. Heck, I think I would have just as much fun as my kids eating this meal!
Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons: May The DINNER COURSE Be With You!.