Heather Boggs of Madison, WI, might be better known as “Stitch Boom Bang,” from her blog of the same name. And if you read through her blog, you’ll learn she is a knitting fiend and possibly a huge fan of the movie, “The Shining.” So much so, that she has created a series of hats, based on patterns in the movie.
My favorite: the Wendy. Made of wool, it matches the shirt and jumper Shelly Duvall wore in one particular scene.
Heather said, that typically, she doesn’t believe in pompoms because they are a waste of yarn and a pain in the ass to make. And I have to admit, I thought this was a pretty good crafting quote if there ever was one: “However, Shelley Duvall deserves a pompom. According to Wikipedia, which is the goddamn gospel of the internet, Kubrick made Shelley Duvall and Jack Nicholson do 127 takes of the baseball bat scene. For that, she deserves more than a few stiff drinks, but all I can offer is a pompom.”
And if you need your very own Wendy-themed hat, it can be purchased from Heather’s Etsy shop, for $27.