July 24

Tutorial Tuesday: Superhero Party Masks!

Via SewMamaSew’s Pinterest Board

How’s this for an awesome party idea, and whats more, it’s completely reusable so geeky kiddies of  all ages can relive their happy day as ‘Iron Man’ all through the year :-)

Cutesy Crafts designed these Superhero party masks and posted the tutorial and free printable templates on her blog!!

But these needn’t just be for kids parties, how awesome would they be at a music festival? a pub crawl? a superhero masked ball?!?! (yea? mind… blown!)

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July 17

Tutorial Tuesday: Avengers Bookmarks!

It’s SUMMER! which means 2 things, big movies in the cinema and little children off school!

Why not keep your boys and girls (nieces, cousins, little brothers?) occupied for a few hours making Crafts by Amanda’s super cute Avengers bookmarks out of lollipop sticks!

I like this craft specifically for the fact that (a) you have to eat a lot of popsicles first and (b) you get to read books after!


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July 10

Tutorial Tuesday: Piranha Plant Party Bowls!

There are all sorts of rumours about backstage parties at rock concerts, where debauched millionaires would be served illegal substances off of naked ladies’ stomachs … but when I’m a millionaire I want candy… served from a Piranha Plant!

Luckily Cute as a Fox has a fantastic tutorial to enable my minions to make them for me! … THAT was lucky…

Seriously though, imagine having these at a wedding reception? how hard would that rock!?


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July 3

Tutorial Tuesday: Geordi La Forge Visor

geordie visor

Thingiverse contributor Drew Smith not only designed and made a near perfect replica of the visor worn my Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Geordi La Forge, but he then took it to be signed by the Twitter god himself. Nerd points +10!

Even better, he’s uploaded instructions on how you can make your own visor!

Category: Craft, Gadgets, Geek, Sci-Fi, TV | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday: Geordi La Forge Visor
June 26

Tutorial Tuesday: Crochet Mermaid Accessories

This week Twinkie, purveyor of fine crocheted non-edible edibles, brings us  yet another adora-bubble crochet tutorial.

You could be dancing round your apartment, dinner fork in hand, singing “Under da Sea” with these gorgeous crochet mermaid accessories in no time!