Or how to transform figures into other characters of David Tennant. Yes, you read that right. Dieastra has been transforming action figures of the Tenth Doctor into other characters portrayed by David Tennant in various plays and films. Her medium used is Milliput which is a UK brand of epoxy putty.
The most recent creation by Dieastra is transforming his first appearance figure as the Tenth Doctor into David’s role in Much Ado About Nothing. Previous, Dieastra has transformed the pinstripe suited Tenth Doctor figure into Hamlet, both the tuxedo version and the ribcage t shirt version of Hamlet.
Dieastra provides step by step photos and directions here with how to do bare arms, here with how to make the feet bare, and here as Dieastra describes developing the shirt and jeans for the one Hamlet figure, finishing up with the final tuxedo touches here.
From there, she has recreated the white navy uniform pictured here from Much Ado About Nothing and gives the tips for it there with clear photos and instruction. The best part is that there will be more to come as she does his full dress uniform from the end of the play and the superman shirt as well!