November 22

Tutorial Tuesday! ‘Why Not Zoidberg’ Cross Stitch

I ‘m a self confessed thread head, and I’m also a meme addict. Clearly so is craftster user OmegaChicken.

Not only have they stitched up this meme-tastic “Why not Zoidberg” cushion, but they’ve also shared the cross stitch chart, so we can all have geeky soft furnishings of our own …  whoopwhoopwhoop!!

November 15

Tutorial Tuesday! Angry Birds Ball Game

Via Pinterest.

Homemade Beauties By Heidi brings us this fantastic tutorial for an Angry Birds can toss game.

This is great, kinda like angry birds in real life… means you and the kids can have a happy green-pig-smashing-time even when you’ve lost the charger for your Ipad.

I’d be so tempted to tell one of those parent lies, you know, “this is how we used to play angry birds when I was your age.” That kind of thing.

Category: Craft, Gadgets, Games, Geek, Mobile, Video Games | Comments Off on Tutorial Tuesday! Angry Birds Ball Game
November 8

Tutorial Tuesday: Edward Scissorhands Costume!

Instructables are running a halloween competition, time’s almost up to submit entries, but you should completely go there and look at the awesome work that’s already been submitted.

I love Caraslifka’s children’s Edward Scissorhands costume and tutorial… but hats off to her son for really bringing the costume to life.


November 1

Tutorial Tuesday: Typhlosion Hat

Halloween may be over but there are some costume ideas that you might be tempted to wear all year round.

A full blown pokemon costume might be hard to pull off when you’re rocking down your local high street, but a Typhlosion Hat will make you the envy of every gym master from Pallett Town to Veridian City.

Hop over to ClearKid‘s deviantart for the tutorial!


October 31

Quick and Practical Costume

Today is the big day (Halloween) so I am sure you have all got your costumes sorted for tonight.

If not, then don’t panic. Help is here in the form of  NoFiller from Instructables. She has made a quick and easy tutorial on how to make a practical and warm costume for a superhero, so no need to freeze to death in all that lycra.

She even includes a colour chart for different superheroes which is quite fun to play guess the super hero with.

Happy Halloween Geeks!

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