June 21

Tutorial Tuesday: Polymer Clay Superman Keyring

I know we’ve HAD father’s day already (and if you’re a father, grandfather, godfather, father-to-be, stepfather or any other variation on the theme I hope you had a lovely Sunday) but if you’re not gift-giving until next week, or if you want to make next year’s fathers day gift WELL ahead of time, I’ve got a tutorial for you.

Craftster user and youtuber MeiIris made her Dad an adorable polymer clay Superman keyring/key-chain, and her video tutorial is just downright sparkly and beautiful.

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June 14

Tutorial Tuesday! Rocket Knuckle Duster Ring!

I dunno, there’s something about this Rocket Knuckle Duster Ring that makes me feel all warm and childish. Maybe it’s the cartoon-outlines, the playful shade of red, or just the fact that it’s a goddam ROCKET!! … I just can’t put my finger on it, but I know I LOVE it!

Creator, blogger, and Craftster user made this sculpey creation for a co-worker, and kindly posted a step-by-step-tutorial over on his blog! Thanks Purkey, you rock!

I only ever work in fabric, but this tutorial is so clear and well explained I really think I might try this for myself… who wouldn’t want MASSIVE rocket jewellery?

June 7

Tutorial Tuesday! Teddy Bear Labcoat!

Another one from me, on the Geeky Sweetheart blog you can now find a  pattern and tutorial to make a super cute lab coat … for your teddy bear!

I was asked by a friend to make this, and was surprised to find that there didn’t seem to be any patterns or tutorials on the internet, BAD internet. Anyhow, since I had to draft the pattern myself I thought I’d share it with you all.

Come on Geekcrafters, lets do SCIENCE!


June 5

Use your noodle & make your own lightsaber

With the pools now open (here in the U.S.), you can’t walk into a discount or grocery store without seeing a display of styrofoam pool noodles. And if you’re going to be whacking friends with them, you might as well make sure they are properly accessorized with duct tape.

Make your own lightsaber with pool noodlesWhich brings us to a fabulous step-by-step tutorial from the Jedi Broad Squad for how to make your own light-saber.

So now you can slap some duct tape on your noodle and the Force can be strong with you, too.

Category: Craft, Geek, Sci-Fi, Toys | Comments Off on Use your noodle & make your own lightsaber
May 31

Tutorial Tuesday/Reader Submission! Playable NES Controller Coffee Table!!

I saw this on Sprite Stitch a while back, but eagle eyed reader Brian used the “Submit a GeekCraft” link to point us towards the original source. Thanks Brian!

I’m counting it as a tutorial because Ultra Awesome Blogger Kyle has kept Ultra Awesome detailed records of every step of the process… seriously … THIS is the pinnacle of geek craftyness… I NEED one of these for my living room…(I don’t think my Husb0t would trust me with power tools.. I don’t think I would trust me with power tools…)

May 24

Tutorial Tuesday! Star Wars Travel Embroidery Case.

Here’s one from me!!  (Geeky Sweetheart)

I had the utter JOY of participating in the Star Wars OTT (One Tiny Thing) swap on Craftster. This is what I sent out… It’s a circular embroidery case, which is large enough to accommodate a 6″ embroidery hoop, as well as supplies in its integrated needle-book and inner pocket, have a look!

Of course, I ended up making one for myself as well, I LOVE it! I took it to a hospital appointment where I had to hang around in the waiting room for 2 hours, I was sat there stitching away happily, could have stayed there ALL day (but glad I didn’t have to!)

The image on the front of the case there is by DeviantArt user Jasonpal, you should completely check out his gallery, there are all sorts of geeky goodies in there. Inkjet Iron on transfer paper is a brilliant thing! … The speech bubbles were my idea though!

Probably worth mentioning quickly about what I recieved on the swap from my fantastic partner SilentBlair. It was only the cutest little Wampa amigurumi for my little geek-to-be (2 months and counting til (s)he makes his/her grand entrance into the world!) Here he is next to my 1929 Singer hand-crank sewing machine and my baby Yoda hat I got from The Green Hedgehog on Etsy.

ANYHOW – I promised you a tutorial, and here it is. Go forth and make circular travel embroidery cases, emblazon them with your best geeky quotes and images, and dont forget to let us know about anything you make using the ‘submit a geekcraft’ link.

OOh and while I’m on the topic of tutorials, I’ve finally got my act together and organised a tutorials section on my blog. Now you have direct links to all the tutorials I’ve ever published, including my “Wretched Hive of Scum and Villiany” embroidery pattern and my Supergirl Costume.