May 23

9 Examples of Geeky Cross Stitch

Stitch by stitch and pixel by pixel, cross stitch is a great medium for geek crafts! Get out some graph paper and markers and see what kind of designs you can come up with.

The IT Crowd Cross Stitch

The IT Crowd Cross Stitch

Flickr user a440 is a lucky guy. His wife cross stitched this based on a photo of the introduction to the UK sitcom The IT Crowd. The guy on the left is even wearing a Space Invaders t-shirt!

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March 28

HOWTO: Tetris Magnets

My inspiration for making these were the “Tetrius Puzzle Game Magnets” from ThinkGeek. I had a TG gift certificate I had to spend and came across them. I thought they would be cool to put on the fridge or on my metal cabinet at work. As luck would have it, they were out of stock at the time and I started thinking… it should be easy to make something like that at home for much less than $10 for a set. So, what follows is how to make your own.

Thinkgeek store-bought plastic Tetris magnets home-made geekcrafts Tetris magnets
[Thinkgeek store-bought plastic Tetris magnets] [home-made Geekcrafts Tetris magnets]

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