Wrapping Up with Geeky DIY Gift Wrap Ideas

Let’s pretend you’ve got all your shopping done for Christmas. Now what? If you’re like me (well, if you’re like me you don’t have any shopping done, but like I said, let’s pretend) if you’re like me, you suck at wrapping gifts. Even if your wrapped gifts end up looking like a two-year-old went crazy with a roll of scotch tape, the paper itself can look really cool, and you can make it yourself! What’s even better is that these wrapping paper ideas work for year round, not just the holidays.
If the force is strong with this one present, then you should try Rebecca’s Star Wars silhouette gift tags and wrap idea from her blog Older and Wiser. All you need is a printer, scissors, and a glue stick.
If you’re pressed for time, the Harry Potter fans in your life will get a kick out of this free printable owl post gift wrap paper. Just download and print it out on some craft paper. You can thank Chiara from Celeste Fritatta for this one.
This one is my favorite, and it’s so easy. All you need are some crayons and a piece of decorative wash tape and you’ve got interactive wrapping paper. Rachel on Lines Across has got even more super easy and fun interactive gift wrap ideas like this one you should definitely check out.
More Links of Interest
- http://www.olderandwisor.com/2011/10/way-5-no-shadow-of-doubt.html
- http://www.linesacross.com/2012/12/interactive-gift-wrap-for-kids.html#
- http://www.celestefrittata.it/blog/2010/12/free-printable-owl-post-gift-wrapping/
- More paper wrapping ideas on Geek Crafts
- More Star Wars Craft Ideas on Geek Crafts
- More Harry Potter Craft Ideas on Geek Crafts
I’m so doing the Force and the crayon options…Thanks for sharing!