Comic Book Shoes
Craftster user VintageKitschMagpie got out the ModgePodge to decoupage these cute comic book shoes.
Craftster user VintageKitschMagpie got out the ModgePodge to decoupage these cute comic book shoes.
The detail is incredible in Craftster user Dark Seraphim‘s cross-stitch of Rorschach from Watchmen. I’m always impressed with large works of needlework.
Here’s another cool pumpkin from Craftster user GlassesFullOfStars. She “created the Batman stencil myself from the Frank Miller Year One graphic novel cover…” Click through to see some more pumpkins.
Why so serious? Alisonwondeland put together this awesome Joker Costume and posted it on craftster. She says she got the outfit from the local Salvation Army (thrift store jackpot!) and the make up is regular old Halloween make up you can get anywhere. If you aren’t lucky enough to find a purple suit at the thrift store, I must say I preferred the candy striper outfit on The Joker in the film.
Craftster user danfreek22 was lucky enough to go to a superhero party, so she made herself this great Wonder Woman costume using a lot of duct tape. If I was 20 pounds lighter …
I was happily googling along, attempting to find Doctor Who themed clothes and/or toys for our impending baby (I like that, it sounds dramatic), when I ran across this awesome Torchwood fan comic Torchwood Babiez. Spastamagoria and Jigglycat have apparently worked very hard to represent our favorite Torchwood characters as cute little kids that you just kind of want to hug. And have no fear, the pet pterodactyl from the hub is even represented, as a cute little stuffed animal that Gwenn carried around, Tosh has her own mini Apple computer, and when we run into The Doctor, Rose is carrying a Dalek toy. I giggled through several pages, and it is safe to say I am now hooked on this particular livejournal blog.