When cosplayer June J. Rivas came dressed for work in the above picture, her boss took issue with the way she chose to wear her hair. Ponytail? Unprofessional. Pigtails? Unprofessional. Scarf? You got it. Unprofessional. (Wow, I’d be unprofessional about half the time then, with my ponytail!)
The issue, however, was that the company had no dress code beyond “Just be clean and pressed,” which Rivas pointed out when she filed a complaint. Her boss’s reaction was to, you guessed it, issue a memo with a new dress code that included, “No straps, hats, sandals, cleavage, back out, lace, and even cultural head wraps.”
Rivas has filed a complaint with the EEOC and she’s found a way to cleverly adhere to the dress code while her case is pending: cosplay. Each day, she wears a new cosplay that likely drives her boss nuts but isn’t technically actionable. Her Vulcan Star Fleet officer costume is just one example.

The Facebook posts that Rivas wrote about this are gone now, as are her photos. But thankfully, there are sites like Hello Giggles and Fashionably Geek around to catch this kind of stuff for us. However, it’s been reported that she ended her post with a hashtag: “#NeverPissOffCosplayingScorpios.”