Crocheted Bowser Sweater

Why not dress your pet turtle up as everyone’s favorite baddie from the Super Mario Bros., Bowser, King of the Koopas!

I just had to do a follow-up post to my Crocheted Turtle Cozies! Jennifer Olivarez created this awesome Bowser costume for her friend’s turtle as part of the Make It! Challenge series on her blog Squirrel Picnic. And, just so we wouldn’t all be jealous, she shares detailed instructions with amazing step-by-step photos. Bowser sweaters for everyone!

Crocheted Bowser Sweater

Pokémon Cushions

pokemon cushions

What’s a better thing to do with your old bed sheets than to upcycle them into lovely cushions covers?

These Pokémon cushions are made by Alien Couture, an UK-based website and Etsy store. Of course, the shop doesn’t limit itself to just Pokémon. What about a gigantic Rainbow Dash or some retro Super Mario? They even sell a cushion made of a Jurrassic Park sheet I own myself (made in 1992, the year I was born)!

Tetris Bookshelves

tetris bookcase

I would absolutely love to have this set of Tetris bookshelves in my living room! Or my bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom, for that matter! They are so awesome! And the best bit is that each Tetris piece is separate, so you can arrange them however you’d like! It was made by johloh on Craftster, and I definitely think he should go into business making more!


Piranha Plant Papercut

piranha plant papercut

Your plants either drown or die of thirst, but you still yearn for some nature in your living room? I know what you mean. My flowers in Plants versus Zombies hate me.

Now, paper might not be the same as roots and leafs, but at least it’s made of trees! So why not decorate your wall with this Super Mario Brothers papercut silhouette? You’d rather have real foliage? Katrina Mason sells many pieces of art from Disney, video games and movies at her Etsy shop CuttingPixels.

Portal Wall Lamp

portal wall lamp

Ever wanted life to be as thrilling as a video game? You could start by making it look like a video game, right? Now, when I was young, becoming an astronaut was a more popular dream than becoming a test subject. However, dominator24 almost makes Aperture Laboratories seem like the place to be.

If you would like to know how this fusion between a lamp and a wall hanging was made, check out the details at this Instructables entry.